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This is Part 1 of a series that looks at all of the individual reagents of the PCR. We will break them down into hopefully detailed but easy to understand descriptions and point out all of the inconsistencies, flaws and outright impossibilities of the claims. What better way to start than with the “P” of PCR which stands for Polymerase, an Enzyme:
As with nearly all of the fraudulent science that persists to this day (which is most of it) the roots of Enzymatics were started in the 19th Century, the Century when the “Scientific” establishment disappeared God with their spurious test tube experiments on DNA and Virology and Genetics and Evolution and Dinosaurs etc etc.
One of the first to “isolate” and coin the phrase Enzyme was Wilhelm Kuhne in 1878 where he supposedly discovered Pepsin in the stomach. Now immediately we have a bit of a problem here as the definition of an Enzyme is a substance that Catalyzes a reaction i.e Speeds a reaction between two chemicals up. Whereas Pepsin is said to be a “Digestive Enzyme” to protein, I.e it breaks it down and Pepsin does this directly… so it is catalyzing nothing. Very odd…
Let’s take a look at this monstrosity in real-time. He takes a Pigs stomach and adds MORE acid to it with Hydrochloric Acid which he tries to claim is to “aCtivaTe the EnzYmE”. He then filters the contents with a cheesecloth. He then Precipitates out the solids with MORE Hydrochloric Acid.
This cheese-clothed Stomach contents he called a “Protein digesting Enzyme” and verified this because it broke down Proteins.
The thing is, if it wasn’t pertinently obvious, that Acid denatures and despite what Google might tell you definitely does breakdown Proteins. You would be able to tell this if you dropped acid on your skin as it would fucking melt…
So Willy proved that Acid burns….Nice one Willy.
Another mind melting inconsistency that may not be apparent is that all Enzymes are Proteins and it just so happens that this protein….. digests proteins….
And they have to agree that Pepsin can digest itself, but conveniently doesn’t because…. reasons.
Next up we have Eduard Buchner who won a Nobel Prize for his “work” extracting Enzymes from Yeast in 1887. Looking like the love-child of David Bowie and Colonel Sanders did nothing to cover up this blokes mental methods however:
Yep… what he did was take Yeast, wash it in water, put some heavy weights on it, tumbled it in some sand and then washed it in some more water.
To verify he had performed Scientific Wizardry to extract an Enzyme he then added some sugar and would you know it, it still brewed and gave off CO2 gas.
So thanks Colonel Bowie, you proved that you can sit on some Yeast at the beach and you’ll still be able to make some delicious beer with it. Sigh. Guess that is more Nobel Prize worthy than most.
Fast forward a hundred years and the “discovery” of TAC Polymerase, the Enzyme used in PCR. It was discovered and isolated by some Stoner Bum whilst high in a “little silver Honda” in California. He had the incredible epiphany that because some Bacteria live in Thermal Hot-springs that their juices will still work in similar hot temperatures. Smart!
In an entire Century of innovation of science it seems that Enzyme extraction hasn’t needed to be changed one iota. Obviously the methods of a FRENCH PRESS work as well for the Stoners morning coffee as they do for milking some bacteria.
They have just crushed some bacteria and called the resulting juices a very special enzyme that can literally READ a nucleotide sequence and take the correct free nucleotides and build a whole string of DNA, the fabric of life…. from French Pressed hot pond scum…. ok….uh huh….
What Is It And What Does It Do?
Above is the cartoon diagram you will always see when talking about Enzymes whether in High-School text books or Peer Reviewed Publications, this blob with its super whizzo “active site” that does everything you need it to do and has little puzzle piece shapes in it, that funnily enough fits exactly other puzzle piece blobs, that give you your desired product.
One of the MASSIVE problems with this illustration is it is total 100% certified bollocks for the simple reason that this is not PHYSICALLY happening. As with all of the processes of PCR and you will see that this is a common theme that I will force it home until everyone understand this… it is all chemicals in SOLUTION.. i.e in liquid format. There are no particles, not even microscopic, this is all a chemical, hypothesized illustrations and models based on nothing other than the *Active* imagination of frauds.
There is no shape or proximity or size or anything physical. It is not floating around and one thing is attracted to another as there is no proximity of one thing to another, it is just dissolved into solution. The claim that they totally rely on is at the molecular level where “Structure” and “Attraction” and “Binding” is just an analogy for hypothesized atomic structures and extremely tenuous models like Van der Waals forces which are charge based theories.
They “verify” the presence of these imagined forces by some of the most absurd and anti-scientific methods I have ever seen. Literally pointing at physical observations and inventing a story around it.
Because water has a meniscus and a Pond Skater can “skate” on water it must be because of the Van Der Waals forces. Well OK… The Sun rises every morning because of Van Der Waals forces or Water is Wet because of Van Der Waals forces. This is the level of sophistication we are dealing with here, it seems as if science has not progressed at all past Tea Leaf and Entrail readings in the last few hundred years.
The Magical Protein that breaks the laws of Physics.
If it wasn’t absurd enough for you already let’s get stuck into some of the claims of this wondrous, marvelous bug juice. First and foremost it is like Willy Wonka’s Everlasting Gobstopper, that is right it NEVER Runs out!! The reaction is only limited, funnily enough, by the amount of the thing reacting (substrate).
So they are in inexhaustible supply and second up and maybe even more amazing is that they use ZERO energy to work. They can literally speed up a reaction and require NOTHING to do so. Have the energy industry ever considered swapping from Nuclear Reactors (lol don’t @ me, I ain’t no fool) to enzyme reactors?
They apparently “LoWeR thE AcTiVaTioN EnErgY” facilitating the reaction by “Bringing the reactants together”. So we have clarified before that this is not physically happening as it is in a solution so it is not like there are particles with physical proximity to even get “closer together”.
So here we have it… The Enzymes are apparently never ending because they don’t get used up and require no energy, however they do bind to substrates and that binding requires energy but don’t worry about that complete contradiction because that energy is less than if it didn’t bind.
At the heart of this Circus is this absolute monstrosity of logic. They claim that the Enzyme RANDOMLY collides with a chemical which is randomly floating around in solution. It binds with the chemical, which both does and doesn’t require energy. It then randomly bumps into the other chemical it is reacting with in a solution and makes them react together because they are now “closer together”….. I mean FUCK ME… this is fucking preposterous to think that random interactions will be speed up by introducing a THIRD substrate that ONLY works when it has randomly bumped into both. The logic of this is actually completely on its head as this imposter will REMOVE random interactions and deplete the substrate until it has randomly bumped into both Substrates rather than let the two substrates just randomly bump into each other and react…
The Specifics of Polymerase.
First watch the animated video claiming to show what is happening. I sound like a stuck record but I will just point this out again, these are chemicals in solution and hence do not have solid form or proximity, these blobs moving from left to right along a row of solid things is entirely imaginary bullshit anthropomorphizing hypothetical molecular models based on tenuous theorized “structure” of charges like Van Der Waals forces.
There are 5 different Ezymes (anything ending is “ASE” indicates an enzyme) providing very specific functions in this video:
Helicase, “unwinds the DNA Strand”. Ok How does it know where to start? How does it know which way to go, left or right? How does it know when to stop?
They want to use the word RECOGNIZE like it has a cognitive ability to pick and choose and make decisions that is best for the PCR process. This is absolutely absurd. A chemical is a chemical, it either reacts with another chemical or it does not. It cannot be partially attracted then partially unattracted to certain sections because they conveniently are needed for this job.
Next up we have Primase which again has somehow known to wait in line for Helicase to do its job first, then coming alive and inserting itself exactly where it is needed to be. It only then knows to deposit its primer sequence. It knows where to place this sequence because it studied Genetics at University and so when its name was called, he did his job like a good boy making way for the Head boy, DNA Polymerase to do its job.
DNA Polymerase has waited all this time, reading a book, for both Helicase and Primase to do their jobs, it has then come into the exact spot where Primase did its job, you see DNA also studied genetics and so can tell the difference between to identical Hydroxyl Groups…
This is the exact explanation of how the French Pressed juice of a bacteria KNOWS where to start. The chemicals are IDENTICAL in that both template and primer have free Hydroxyl Groups (-OH) that they bind/but not chemically bind/kinda rub up against each other with. The literal mainstream explanation is that it can sense a general CONTEXT. They want to claim this bug juice has discernment of the overall FEELING of a chemical structure, not a chemical reaction, just a general contextual feeling. If you believe this you must genuinely have the IQ of a fruit fly, sorry, not sorry.
Then DNA Polymerase 1 comes in and DNA Ligase… you get the drift. The more moving parts to this with all the different elements waiting in line before they start their jobs the more of a Monty Python sketch it should be conjuring in your mind, it is laughable to suggest anyone should actually think this is happening in a liquid.
Thinking back to my School science days which are firmly imprinted in my mind as all good indoctrination camps are meant to do, one word is offered as a Pavlovian response when I hear the word Enzyme, which is “RATE”.
This is the entire observable effect meant to be the function of an Enzyme, which is to Catalyze or speed up a reaction (Apart from Digestive Enzymes which digest or things like RNase which cuts Nucleotide sequences at specific nucleotides which it knows how to read because of *reasons*).
So I remember conducting experiments that demonstrated rate increases with enzymes so I thought I’d have another look at one of the things I remember doing which was using the Enzyme Trypsin to curdle milk.
Now the only problem with this wonderful enzyme is that to extract it from where it is usually found in the Small Intestine you have to add our fan favorite Hydrochloric Acid.
And what is completely interchangeable with our illustrious enzyme that has exactly the same effect of curdling milk and separating out rennet? That’s right… ACID! Done in millions of kitchens around the world on a daily basis to make cheese, lemon juice is added.
So let’s go back to our days at school and look at one of these experiments where we look how varying the concentration of Trypsin varies the rate of reaction that occurs.
OK. Cool so if you add more Enzyme you increase the reaction rate this happens fairly exponentially up to a point where it plateaus off. Here it is in graphical format… Look familiar to you? If not, that is identical to an amplification curve in PCR.
Now for the kicker… This is EXACTLY the same whether you use our magical Enzyme or indeed whether you just use Lemon Juice. It is pretty frigging obvious though, change the environmental energy through increased acidity or increased temperature or maybe even pressure and the reaction speeds up.
In the first instance when specifically talking about PCR, which is why we are here, I have to make this point if it hadn’t occurred already; They are putting French Pressed Bacteria in ALL PCR assays. This is occurring in any iteration of making Tac Polymerase which is either directly squished out of Thermus Aquaticus or its juices are squirted on E-coli and then squished out, so contain the juices of a couple of Bacteria.
This poses quite a problem when they use PCR for detecting Bacteria, which they are more and more frequently doing as discussed in my previous article here. They claim it is “purified” removing the “DNA” but when they verify this using EXACTLY the same methods of Gel Electrophoresis and the only difference is where a dyed band appears on a block of jelly you start to see the wholesale quackery of even the first letter of the Acronym, PCR.
They make HUGELY specific claims about how these magical Enzymes work, from denaturing proteins using a never ending supply of energy to being able to READ a sequence of nucleotides and find the correct nucleotide to join in a sequence. Despite this, you can just replace these enzymes with things you can find in your kitchen cupboard, like lemon juice and it works just the same. So they quite clearly are A. Not Specific and B. Just a condition or environmental buffer agent like pH, Temperature or pressure or electro-chemical gradients (Mg2+…) etc.
The rate of reaction is really the selling point behind what these magical juices can do, but school level science is all you need to know that rate is affected by all of these environmental conditions and substrate concentrations anyway.
In my opinion these aren’t wondrous free energy everlasting catalysts, this is juice being squeezed out of hot pond scum that is used in a cheap magic trick to add another layer of deceit and unnecessary bafflement to basic chemical reactions.
Lol... imagine if they were getting those enzymes from hot pond scuzz too..
I appreciate you going into the details because I don't have the patience reading sci fi pseudoscience.
The basic premise of PCR makes no freaking sense.
Amplifying is not a digital exact copy. After so many copies of copies, it's full of static.