People are waking up Jamie!

Thank you for continuing the barrage of evidence destroying their Germ Theory illusion.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!


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The safety data sheets for other "anti-cancer chemotherapy" agents are likewise as sad and inadvertently hilarious as AZT. When I was a kid a friend had leukemia and was given arsenic trioxide, a carcinogenic deadly chemical agent that can be fatal if swallowed, causes skin burns and eye damage, and can cause respiratory and internal organ damage. It also, coincidentally, like all arsenic poisoning, can cause severe cases of chicken pox and shingles, which ultimately killed my friend. They "explain" this by saying it "reactivates latent VZV infections" (although arsenic poisoning can also can cause a disease in dogs and cats that appears identical to severe chicken pox and shingles but in those cases it's *NOT* from a virus it's *JUST* from the arsenic exposure, because they don't get chicken pox, because the VZV virus *ONLY* infects human beings - apparently it cannot "leap" to other species).

Since the advent of PReP homosexual men are now "saved" from HIV infections, even though CDC data shows that no more than 36% of "people who could benefit" are on PReP to manage HIV. So, somehow, almost no sexually active "MSM" (men-who-have-sex-with-men) are any longer dying of AIDS despite the fact that the majority of them don't really use any anti-virals or other toxic chemical agents to "prevent" or "treat" their "infections".

They claim there are almost 20 million people in Africa "with HIV" which clearly does not seem to be damaging any of them probably unless they are unfortunate enough to be given "treatments".

Many (most?) infectious diseases really appear to be quite the scam.

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Most chemotherapy is raw Mustard Gas i.e the chemical weapon and as you say Arsenic compounds. It is mind bending how they manage through technobable to convince people that it is "selectively" killing the "shit that is bad for you".... it is the biggest lie that you can be poisoned back to health that the allopathic model is based upon... We can only keep speaking out and hope that our message reaches those in need.

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The claim of "selective effect" is applied to many areas. For example, the "blood-brain barrier", which supposedly acts as a filter that selectively allows only those substances through that are "allowed" in the brain, i.e. the defence's auxiliary argument when the toxicity of heavy metals is mentioned to them in the case of "vaccinations". The "blood-brain barrier" does not seem to work with alcohol, but it supposedly does with aluminium. Just like with "antibodies", where virology fails to produce a stringent common thread. A foreseeable fate of all pseudosciences.

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"saw this as a great opportunity to jump in and make a connection (which they had desperately been trying to do and still do) between Cancer and invisible pathogens"

thanks so much for this;

I had heard it said that the HIV business grew from Nixon's Cancer Act of 1970 or 71; that instead of waging war in Vietnam, he was persuaded to wage war on cancer; they were going to discover the cure by 1976. The story went they said ....um ... well; what likely causes cancer? Two separate theories were prominent: "environmental" or "viruses"

And what sort of viruses said the funders? .. and the reply was "retroviruses": so 1970 to 1980 heaps of lovely cash went to fund labs; and the staff; and by circa 1980 nothing useful had been discovered; and it looked like the cash could dry up: there was desperation; how to keep the cash flowing ... and it would seem they found an answer

going back one step further; someone has drawn a line from "virologists" trained after the "polio epidemic" of the early 1950s; that these folks had to found jobs; so they gravitated happily to "retrovirus research" in 1970 and kept going from there;

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I’m hiv positive and have woken up to all this a couple years ago. I’m now off the drugs and likely stop getting tested. I’m


I am really wanting to know how the arvs make cd4 go up and whatever the viral load pcr is measuring go down. Do the drugs just clear all nucleic acids out of the blood so the pcr doesn’t pick anything up?

I was on biktarvy and happy I’m off.

I’d love anyone’s insights on this question.

Thanks Jamie for what you’re doing. This is so important and I’m grateful.

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Hi Sunil,

Fantastic news that you woke up to this scam and even more fantastic you are feeling better after junking the poison.

To roughly answer your question re:CD4 and any other biochemical test:

Read again the published article by Dr. Roberto Giraldo in which he gets unanimous positive Eliza tests just by increasing the concentration of the sample.

This is the case with ALL of these tests in that they are completely dependent on the input variables usually “chosen” by the lab tech carrying out the experiment.

It is possible to get any result you want (practically)…

bare that in mind…

But with this I am not entirely sure they are picking up any of the claimed things such as proteins or what not… they are all INICATORS but really are just chemical reactions. They do SEEM to have a semblance of indicating “sickness/disease” I would think potentially picking up on other attributes such a pH when sick (which is known to be more acidic).

The way to look at this also is that when the boy is detoxing it is purging the stuff you don’t want… Allopathic medicine says you should stop this… akin to stopping diarrhea with a cork… you now have no diarrhea… but is that a good thing?

These drugs may stop detoxing symptoms for brief periods.. and you feel “better” for brief periods but only because you are further poisoning the body which will only detox when strong enough to do so.

Hope any of that helps… Cheers J

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Hi Jamie:

After reading Sunil's comment and seeing the commercial for it a million times, I decided to look up Biktarvy on my insurance company's prescription page. The description is below. The commercial (which features only gay men and people of color because "HIV" is apparently discriminates) clearly states that taking Biktarvy can get one to undetectable and therefore the "virus" is not transmissible. However.......




(bik TEG ra veer; em tri SIT uh bean; ten OF oh vir AL a FEN a mide) helps manage the symptoms of HIV infection. It works by limiting the spread of HIV in the body. It is a combination of three antiretroviral medications.

This medication is not a cure for HIV or AIDS and it may still be possible to spread HIV to others while taking it. It does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


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Proteins are not specific. This means that it will stick to places in the body that are damaged, e.g. inflammatory processes. The supposed specificity of the protein is achieved by manipulating the PH and other parameters in the laboratory. Antigen-antibody relationship does not exist. This means that CD4+ does not exist as something specific. Lymphocytes exist. The increase in lymphocytes is non-specific. Determination of CD4+ is based on fluorescence, as well as PCR :)

In short, scientists present non-specific reactions as specific and pointless tests are adjusted/used to generate the desired outcome.

The easiest explanation: Fraudsters

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Hi Sunil, please take your time in reading everything. I would recommend you review the Perth Group's paper on "A Virus Like No Other" which Jamie mentioned in his article. The Perth Group covered MANY topics in this paper which was the final work of the Perth Group.

The direct link for that paper is: https://www.theperthgroup.com/HIV/TPGVirusLikeNoOther.pdf

Also, there is a "landing page" which contains links to ALL of the "supplementary" articles the Perth Group wrote pertaining to the "Virus Like No Other" paper. Those supplementary articles are at this link:


FYI: Just briefly, the CD4 measurements are NOT directly measuring actual cells. These measurements use ANTIBODIES to supposedly "detect" the cells. They do not represent direct counts. Furthermore, the cells themselves do not have strict functional definitions either. This means that the various "functions" that have been attributed to all the various "subsets" of T-cells (of which the "CD4s" are supposed to be a subset) may be carried out by multiple "subsets" of cells that are not traditionally thought to carry out those functions...

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Don't HIV+ people eventually get lymphopenia?

The claim is that when the CD4 fraction goes below ~200 then they get all kinds of weird infections & tumors.

Are there people with no measurable CD4 cells and they feel good?

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I know people who do get lymphopenia. I also have heard of people claim online that they maintain low counts and don’t get sick.

I wonder if fear from seeing the test results may play a role in getting sick and the counts themselves don’t matter.

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The test is surely a scam. In addition, I'd like to let you know that the so called AIDS are totally curable. Lots of real AIDS patients (with symptoms ) were cured by natural medicine. Dr. Gary Null has cured more than 100 patients. However, no one including journalists, MDs, etc. dared to come to his press conference to unveil the truth. You can check his website, garynull.com for the documentary named Cost of The Denial for more details.

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Some of the doctors give the nucleoside analogues to everyone with HIV+even if the PCR test result is undetectable.

Other doctors give the nucleoside analogues if the CD4 drops to 500; some doctors start giving the pills when the CD4 is 350.

It's a mystery cuz there should be lots of people walking around and feeling well even though the CD4 below 350.

The claim is that if the CD4 is below 200 then they might get sick with weirdo infections & tumors.

So why do people take the pills if the CD4 is above 200?

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Hi again Sunil. I think that Jamie and "Research Integrity" have both given you great replies. I would again strongly recommend that you take a step back and PAUSE. When engaging in discussions on topics like these, you should be very cautious. Lots of terms get spewed back and forth, but it is important to make sure that first of all you know exactly HOW those terms are being DEFINED. Otherwise, how will you be able to figure out what is REALLY happening?

For example, if someone says to you that they got so-called "lymphopenia" or that "lymphopenia" occurs in this group of people or that group of people, you need to know HOW is that so-called "lymphopenia" being DEFINED. More specifically, how is so-called "lymphopenia" being MEASURED? There are more than enough reasons to question these measurements on a basic FUNDAMENTAL level. Surrogate markers are REALLY popular in "AIDS" and other medical issues. However, after a deep examination into how these so-called "CD4" and other T-cell measurements are performed, it appears highly unlikely that they are clear indicators of actual and SELECTIVE destruction of one or more specific "subsets" of so-called "T-cells".

In addition to the sources I've already provided to you in my message above,  I would recommend you read this paper:


and this paper in which the so-called "CD4 cells" are referred to by their old name, "T4 Cells":


There is quite a LOT of material on these topics., and yes it DOES get pretty technical.  However, you should take the time and go through it all so that you are able to get a clearer handle on the terminology that is being tossed around and what all these terms mean on a fundamental level. More importantly, you need to have a strong command of this information if you want to figure out what if anything might REALLY be happening with YOU, such as if you have any processes occurring that might be genuinely pathological....

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Thank you rod I’ll delve deeper into the Perth content.

On the one hand I could do that and reinforce my conviction that all of it is a clown show, which I think I have done sufficiently. but I guess it’s becoming much more clear that I won’t be able to convince loved ones of any of it unless they learn this stuff too. It’s a lonely journey and one that might break relationships.

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Nice Jamie! You should make a post titled The Polio Hoax. 👍

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You guessed it Vil… Polio is next on the chopping block.

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Awesome 👊

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One of the first really deadly scams that killed thousands...

So effin' EVIL.

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I wonder if this is why Mullis suddenly `died' a couple of months before the pandemic?

`...as accurate and useful as Tea Leaf Reading.' You seem to cover the whole virology scam in just one phrase.

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Totally agree - 100% scamdemic. HIV was supposedly from a simian. As with SARS II and the fake bat-virus, no isolated purified virus from the animal or from an 'infected' human was offered. Your article outlines that fact (the proteins they reference eg p18 are proteins found in healthy tissues as well). HIV-AIDS appeared when Fauci's empire NIAID and the CDC were going to be de-funded (early 80s). Surprise. It is still a $30 billion per year fraud.

HIV 'discoverers' Montaigne (Nobel prize), Gallo (cashed in millions on his patents), are both on the record stating that no HIV virus has ever been isolated in nature. Their 'proofs' are chemical cocktails and cell cultures which prove nothing of course. Further, no proof of the causality chain has ever been given for a 'viral' infection. Eg. Smallpox - Horse grease - Cow - Cow pox - Transfer to human - Smallpox - Human 2 Human transfers. Nothing. I have asked our UK HSA (CDC equivalent) where I worked (Data platform) for proof of various viruses including the orthopox (you might remember that from 2022 and the smallpox-monkeypox b.s.). Nothing.

'Vaccination' is a criminal industry built on lies.

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What a great write-up Jamie! I can't thank you enough for penning down this great peace of history

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thanks for your kind words of support Desmond

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Great stuff. I never paid any attention to AIDS or HIV. I don't understand it and don't care to. When you go outside the box, you increase your risks. I don't doubt this is another fake-out based on fear more than actual science.

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Disproving contagion and with multiple court cases to back it up surely eventually somewhere down the line leads to a vaxx free very healthy world.....what a wonderful place that would be!.....Thank you Jamie and all!.....Peace prize on the way.....:)

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Nothing surprises me anymore, so what did Freddie Mercury of the band Queen die of? I guess the medication he was given…..

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One would assume so..

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There are reports that Freddie Mercury began AZT treatment as early as 1987. At that time, AZT had become more accessible for patients diagnosed with HIV. Around the same time that Freddie Mercury began taking AZT in 1987, he also started showing early visible health changes, such as weight loss and skin lesions, which could have been early signs of Kaposi's sarcoma.

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If I recall he was also a heavy drug user. You could imagine someone's body / immune system / what-have-you being damaged from all manner of drugs one was taking, licit or illicit. The symptoms might even "look like AIDS" (whatever they claim those symptoms are).

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I now believe that convid has simply trivialised the idiot test even more in order to test the limits of plndmc's feasibility.

What was already illogical with HIV (reversal of the meaning of antibodies), or unspecific (over 60 other possible triggers for HIV "positive"), has been taken to extremes with convid "antibodies" are suddenly irrelevant and tiredness, hair loss (see Alyssa Milano) and spotty feet are possible convid symptoms.

And I think the MS's sudden attention to vaccine side effects is a diversionary tactic to get away from the core issue, the lack of evidence of existence. In the end, we end up with grandiose declarations from the pharmaceutical industry that they will do better next time.

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Virologie is a pseudoscience of rumors and hearsay. I recommend to everyone working in this field to always have a coin at hand, for the verificatio of scientific research results.

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Thanks for the thorough look at things! I keep asking... What motivates People to do these sloppy BS dances? And the answer is clear. Money/power/control.

We can solve for that...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

The End of Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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Hi Jamie! Thank you for your thorough reporting! I read the Perth Group's work years ago and realized the "HIV" Hoax for what it was -- fraud. I'm just glad to find others who agree! We ARE being heard!!! Keep up the great work!

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