Though I will not say I support the "DNA" claim, I do ponder what it is that clearly transmits characteristics from parent to offspring. Nearly always, if both parents have blue eyes, the children will have blue eyes.

And I give high probability to the idea that the useless ELiters inbreed to retain whatever it is that produces psychopaths. For indeed, about 1% of Us emerge incapable of feeling caring, compassion, love, or empathy for Others, or feeling remorse, and tending to lust for power over Others.

And this does seem to "run in families."

Anyway, interesting piece, and I place high probability You are correct.

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The missing information is that we are beings that exist without the need for a physical body. Souls are of various levels of intelligence and understanding, various levels of love also. The DNA if it exists or other physical or super physical ( sheldrake morphogenic fields) only effect the physical patterns and not the being occupying the body. In fact the Sheldrake morphogenic electromagnetic field carries all the instructions for cells to follow, they grow into the pattern of the field. How exactly that works of course is unknown and perhaps unknowable given our total lack of understanding and ability to begin studying it. We are looking at the truth with physical eyes, we need to study this on the next plane up, perhaps the Astral or Causal planes. In other words the answers will never come through some pixels on a screen being operated as an avatar in physical reality inside a computer… imagine you create an avatar of a scientist and give it a task of working out why it exists and all it can do is study its world pixel by pixel with zero ability to Go beyond the confines of its surroundings. In this way souls stuck in physical bodies unaware of the fields that shape all life can never come up with useful answers.

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Well, I have no evidence of what You say... I have had one spiritual experience and saw none of that... Wouldn't know how to get to these "Astral or Causal planes."

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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I’ve been on a spiritual path for 40 years and was born with the ability to leave my body. You in your own words have “no evidence “. Your lack of evidence/ experience is quite typical of the majority of people. If you studied a particular science for a week let’s say… and then engaged in a discussion with someone who had spent 40 years studying, it would obviously be difficult for you to have a meaningful conversation about the subject. You can learn to Astral and soul travel but it takes time and effort to do it like any skill.

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It doesn't take very long to learn lucid dreaming and rolling out of your body. 2 weeks seems about normal. Now what the experience really is I'm not sure maybe just the subconscious mind (whatever that is). Maybe something else. Anyway it's a fun activity and worth a go. Much more interesting than TV

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Where do you go when you roll out of your body ? How far can you travel and have you learned to fly and travel through walls etc. please describe what you do, it would be interesting to hear your experiences. Learning to leave the body in full consciousness and the ability to travel around in two weeks is frankly amazing. Lucid dreams are in reality Astral travel into the lower astral planes. What have experienced?

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Well, at 67 - nearly 68, I’m gonna guess I’m SOL on that until I die. And frankly, I don’t care. I have work to do on Our planet.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Love always.

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We, I, whomever Will Always end at a point(s) with questions unanswered.

Seems to me “just acts of futility “.

Don’t want to piss on anyones shoes, but the pursuit of unprovable science is just that.

I becomes dimensional and Astro physics play the main role.

Repeat, speculate, repeat, speculate…

The great mystery revealed!

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Not sure how that replay relates to Mine. I'm not worried about pursuing anything but a solution for Humanity to those psychopaths in control.

(But I do ponder how We would know that something is "unprovable science." Maybe We just don't yet have the correct angle...)

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Dec 1Edited
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tara: is this not click-bait; are you not misleading us?

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It seems like science will never actually be able to answer why organisms have "consciousness." Surely all humans do, most would agree most mammals do - surely dogs and dolphins and so on - and they have rudimentary "language".

In short I've come to the conclusion that modern science may really not ever be able to explain certain things at all. Inheritance could maybe be one of those things.

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maybe modern "science" is a an experiment...

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Try www.eckankar.org 😇

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Conceivably You are correct. Meanwhile, with moneyed psychopaths in control of “science,” assuring Us that things like the idea that jabbing toxins into One’s flesh will protect One from unicorns id “scientific,” I am aiming to solve for those psychopaths. Then science will be honest science because money needs for ALL of Us will be out of the picture.

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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you might find this interesting

"DNA cannot be seen as the 'blueprint' for life," Jose said. "It is at best an overlapping and potentially scrambled list of ingredients that is used differently by different cells at different times."

For example, the gene for eye color exists in every cell of the body, but the process that produces the protein for eye color only occurs during a specific stage of development and only in the cells that constitute the colored portion of the eyes. That information is not stored in the DNA.

In addition, scientists are unable to determine the complex shape of an organ such as an eye, or that a creature will have eyes at all, by reading the creature's DNA. These fundamental aspects of anatomy are dictated by something outside of the DNA."



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Interesting thanks

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Thanks! So We still don't know what causes traits to be passed down? Or is the DNA that instruction set that informs the "the process that produces the protein for eye color only occurs during a specific stage of development and only in the cells that constitute the colored portion of the eyes?"

Or... Is DNA mythical? Or......?

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There is no proof that behavior is heritable, only physical traits. "DNA" can be used as a euphemism for heritability but the way in which it is presented to us (strings of coded proteins) is unsubstantiated.

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Who said anything about behavior?

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Nobody, I'm just explaining my view of heritability in full.

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Check out Dr Peter Augustin - dense water and Stefan lanka, The new theory of life.

Adolf Portman

Observations and an explanation for heredity

The Swiss biologist Adolf Portmann, who was lucky enough to be able to conduct research completely freely, made crucial and essential observations. He discovered and experimentally proved that beauty is a form-giving principle of life. Transparent marine animals often arrange their internal organs and structures in a very complex way. For example, ascending and descending intestinal loops are placed next to each other and the resulting symmetries are emphasized by color. If these animals are raised in murky water, they give up aesthetic arrangement and color. The arrangement and color of the intestines then looks roughly the same as in our bellies. If they are placed back in clear water, they become beautiful again in terms of color and structure.

A type of transparent sea cucumber forms its base very artistically and decorates it with ornaments as long as it can be seen. This does not happen in murky water, or rather the beauty of the base is lost. If it grows in clear water, its base becomes beautiful again. Two things can be concluded from this:

1. These organisms have a perception, an awareness of whether they can be seen or not, and they want to be beautiful.

2. This awareness influences metabolism, the formation of structures, their arrangement and maintenance

From these observations it can be concluded that all other things in an organism also arise and change through the effect of "consciousness" and not through a material existing construction and functional plan, which has been sought in vain to date. From this perspective, one can also explain why the new characteristics achieved through breeding efforts in plants and animals often only last as long as these characteristics are trained and promoted.

Source, Next Level, telegram translate:


I assume from w-plus - Dr Stefan Lanka

It is logical to take the idea of ​​a form-giving consciousness further, even down to the smallest and largest things. Is everything as it is, living beings, elements and energy, stars, matter, aggregates and planets, because everything and everyone has a consciousness and wants to be as it is? Stefan first perceived this view through his correspondence with Jochen Schamal. What speaks for it? If consciousness has the power to change the appearance and

arrangement of organs and their coloring, it can also be assumed that this also applies to the composition and function of organs, tissues and organisms as a whole.

Adolf Portmann observed that certain markings on the plumage of birds always look exactly the same and are in the same place, even though feathers are constantly growing and forming anew. This also requires an awareness of the location and appearance of these often complex markings. Another example of the effect of consciousness on organs and bodies, from which it can be concluded that the consciousness of organisms and people produces the body and organs, comes from medicine. To be more precise, from a "minority opinion" in medicine. These are observations by the physician Ryke Geerd Hamer.

The surface membrane on water is completely different from liquid water: it is fat-soluble. For this reason, the metabolism of the lungs and trachea of ​​insects only runs on fats and not on carbohydrates.

This ensures that the energy of the surface tension of the water bubbles dissolved in the air can be absorbed through "breathing".

The energy contained in the surface membrane can be made visible in the form of a soap bubble. If you blow up the water surface stabilized by soap or minerals through a funnel to form a balloon, the surface tension of the balloon blows out a candle at the mouth of the funnel.

As for personalities -check out Dr Hamer - constellations.

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I do suggest that All is Consciousness (based on My spiritual experience)… Interesting stuff there. I am quite aware of Stefan Lanka. Will check out Peter.


My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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This is utterly amazing Coripop!

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Mendelian genetics aka blue/brown eyes died a long time ago

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Huh? I know lots of People with blue eyes. And many more with brown eyes. So... What are You on about?

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You don't think that being severely abused from infancy creates psychopaths?

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Methods of creating psychopaths out of babies have been successfully proven. Upon birth, take the baby from the mother and place in an institution, government or private, and prevent any bonding between child and caregiver. In Romania during Ceausescu's Presidency, secret police were created this way, and under Stalin and Hitler as well. For centuries, royal families raised their inbred offspring the same way. I once saw a video of an experiment using a baby monkey taken from its mother and given only a stick with a carpet wrapped around it for something to hug. Horrifying to watch. But I imagine the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have no feeling one way or the other about it

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I did not say that. [smile] Surely conditioning plays a part, but that does not explain the inbreeding. I have seen twins separated at birth who went through greatly differing experiences, that have very similar temperaments.

I went though satanic ritual abuse as a child, Myself, but I am hardly a psychopath, having great caring, compassion, love, and empathy for Others, and for Humanity as a whole. It’s what drives Me in My work.

So I have to place good probabilities that there is something more than conditioning that defines whether One is a psychopath, and is likely hereditary.

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Can you describe in detail your satanic ritual abuse that was so easily resisted? I think the world could use a lift right now.

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Yes, I can:

Our Children Are Not Kids! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/our-children-are-not-kids

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And when the children don't have blue eyes we all know what happened :-)

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To a high probability, yes!

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It is the intercellular microbiome that defines you offspring. Black people from Africa carried their microbiome from the african continent, so they are black

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Is there proof of this? I have never heard of this, and ponder how it would work...

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Nov 30Edited

Being in public safety for 20 years, my peers would always say how are they solving crimes all the time with DNA. Are They(under my breath). Then I go, I didn't say there weren't identifying "components-markers-materials". It's just not the cartoon science we were giving. Thanks, for this post Jamie

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I can’t thank you enough for doing a deep dive into DNA. I started questioning it after I learned what a stooge I was for believing in viruses for so long. The CONVID scam certainly made me look into many new things I had long “assumed”; and we know what that word assume means. 😉

I seriously doubt everything about DNA at this point and I am intensely curious as to what we will actually uncover about it. I do not believe anything about what is claimed unless it is somehow backed up with copious evidence, but I think I will believe the Easter Bunny is just as real until that (ha ha) actually happens.

I sincerely appreciate your time, energy, postings, and comments in the meantime.

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Hi Ekoh.. thank you very much for your kind support and donation, really appreciated.

Yes the genetics scam was relatively new to me as well but once I started applying the same logic and questioning as I did with virology it became apparent very quickly that they are one in the same scam. The area is arguably maybe even as damaging as virology in the broadest of senses both psychologically with "divide and conquer" interms of races etc but also persuading people to take allopathic medicine/poisons to "cure"manufactured problems...

It is the path I have been lead to and I think is interesting as not many have covered this ground, so new to us all...Cheers J

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Yes. It is harder to find information at this point, but you have a keen mind and in innate curiosity to find the truth. I read some of Mia Breeze’s comments and found an article or two written by Tam. Very interesting and well done. I think the DNA myth is ripe for rewriting. Who knows where it will take us at this point?

Thanks again!

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Weird how plant geneticists are wasting their entire lives breeding resistant plants when viruses don't exist!

Someone should tell them!

Someone should also tell my sweet potatoes to stop being sick due to fake viruses, haven't they gotten the news?

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You sound like you talk to your sweet potatoes.

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No, I shout in frustration because the viral load due to inept vegetative propagation by farmers has rendered the plants infertile. The flowers rot off before they can get pollinated.

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My plants grow great and I just stick em in the ground... maybe you are just a shit gardener... maybe take up.a different hobby.

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It’s a specific variety of white sweet potato with viral issues. You should read about gradual degeneration of potatoes, it’s a known problem in a practical field(agriculture), where nobody has an interest in faking viruses. You will probably ignore it because of dogma.

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perhaps that is not the case.

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It has nothing to do with viruses. It's simply linked to excess water or, on the contrary, to a lack of water, or to cold, heat, etc....

Certain varieties can be fragile because the scientists who develop new potato varieties want to obtain potatoes that are as big as possible, or that grow as quickly as possible, and therefore retain as much water as possible. And even normal varieties contain too much water, because fertilizers are added to make them retain water. This opens the door to disease, not viral, but bacterial or fungal. Plants need optimal hydration, because they emit chemicals that protect them from micro-organisms. If they contain too much water, the chemicals in question are diluted and the plants become vulnerable to bacteria and fungi.

And of course, problems of excess or lack of water, heat or cold, can lead to abnormal plant development, even without bacteria or fungus.

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You really think agriculture doesn't involve testing plants at different amounts of watering, and temp variation? That's like half of what they do.

What's the agent inducing abnormal wing length in aphids, and why do these silly researchers think it's viruses?

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El then? If the plant gets sick more often when there's too much water or it's too hot, researchers will say that the plant is particularly susceptible to the virus when conditions are unfavorable. Instead of saying that it's the unfavorable conditions that cause the problem.

And even with apparently good conditions, disease can still occur in fragile varieties. And in the minds of researchers, it's not the fragility of the plant that's to blame, but contamination by the virus.

But, in any case, given that this is now a billion-dollar industry, it's clear that it's totally corrupt. So, the "researchers" will introduce small differences that will make the plants subjected to the "virus" more fragile than those used as a control. If there is a control culture, of course. It might even be part of standard procedure. And if that's not enough, all it takes is just one or two corrupt people on a team to get what the industry wants.

So-called plant viruses, for example, are used to drive up fruit and vegetable prices. As very often, the only response is to uproot contaminated fields, which justifies higher prices if there's a large-scale epidemic.

It also serves to sell pesticides, since the vector is often an insect. So, fighting the insect means fighting the virus.

It also serves to replace old varieties with new ones, supposedly more resistant to this or that disease, which will be sold at a higher price.

And of course, it supports the animal and, above all, human virus scam.

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They often use careful tissue culture treatment to rescue a plant from viruses without sexual reproduction. How would that technique fit your model?

The way viruses raise prices are by bankrupting farmers, so the demand is met by imports. Your writing oozes uncritically conspiratorial thinking.

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Is it hard to believe that people would put other people in PRISON because of a FALSE CLAIM? I can't imagine... arrrrf

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Medical science seems to be one circus after another. I wonder what Dr Kary Mullis invented that he won the Npbel Prize for? I thought it was to quickly produce strands of DNA or RNA. Is it a soap bubble machine?

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lol.. pretty much… he was on an acid trip whilst he “invented”it so…. would figure

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Back in my youth, when I did lsd, I could read people's thoughts via their auras. I can still often do that, often, but without so much COLOR

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I do believe in coincidences. They happen everyday. But i dont *trust* coincidences.

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That is probably a better way of explaining how I feel about it.... thank you.

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Jamie, have you ever looked into one Henrietta Lacks? HeLa cells.

That looks dodgy.

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How about WI-38 cells? These are NON-IMMORTAL diploid cells taken form fibroblasts from lungs from a single aborted 3 month fetus. At this point a fetus is 63 - 76 millimeters long, total lung volume is less than 2 milliliters, "according to AI" 5-10% of that is fibroblasts, so a starting total volume of about 0.2 milliliters on the outside.

Supposedly, this cell line is kept frozen and replicated to a nearly infinite amount as supposedly all non-egg-grown vaccines are grown in these fetal cells, and it is one of the most widely used cell lines on the planet.

However, after 50 plus or minus 10 cell divisions (which takes a day, so after around 50 days) they will stop dividing and become senescent and start to die.

But somehow from this single aborted fetus they have a limitless supply of WI-38 cells to grow hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine per year (for the multiple vaccines given to most of the the 140,000,000 babies born every year etc.) plus all the research lab usage. So somehow they are grown almost limitlessly in the "fetus cell line factory" but when it gets to your research lab you've only got 50 days. They've been doing this for 60 years supposedly.

I am probably just ignorant but there is something really off about this story. I mean I suppose it makes sense, maybe 2 to the 50th power of doubling allows you to create at least a quadrillion more cells than you started with, maybe you really can grow up to a thousand trillion liters/kilograms of lung cells from that initial tiny sample. For all I know it's true. But I have some serious doubts here.

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This is very interesting and sounds like such a paradox that at least one observation must be false (either the stopping division of or of the immortality of HeLa cells in others’ hands.

I remember well sometimes getting quite different results when cultivating cell lines which were claimed to be derived from a human lung bronchial epithelial cell line as compared with nearly identical culturing of primary human bronchial epithelial cells (HNBECs).

I must say, I didn’t then doubt what was coming frozen in vials, but I was never content to drive a chemistry program based solely upon results obtained using cell lines. The main reason was that we knew for sure that primary & cell line results were often quite different & that was enough for me to set aside the cell line derived “evidence”. In brief, I didn’t know what we were measuring.

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No surprises here. Science. The ultimate control mechanism.

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Restacked. Liked and commented. Within seconds. That proves what a careful researcher I am.


But seriously, not worried that this won’t be excellent and I want to read it later.

My trousers are somewhat ragged at the moment: Jeans in dissolution.

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Lol... thanks for your trust in my output Tim... hopefully you won't be disappointed.

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The double helix is a symbol that has been used in cultures going way back.

I heard Jordan Peterson say something about maybe the ancient cultures used it because of the structure of DNA.

Isn’t it more likely that our modern culture is just still using the double helix (oh look, that must be what DNA looks like!) because it resonates with us, the same way as the shape did with our ancestors?

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Yes... it is definitely that way around.

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Isn’t Twisted Hair /plaits important to some indigenous communities- or is the lore a modern tale?

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Congratulations 👌👌👌Cytoplasm is gel.

Hyaluronic acid is gel also.

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How about carbon dating Jamie? What kinda tech is this? We can make 'Fossils' with available chemicals in 72 hours in the kitchen! (But please don't dispel the Dinosaurs lol)

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I haven't looked at what is radio isotope dating or Mass Spectrometry... but if I were a gambling man I would bet heavily on them being equally as ropey scientific tests.

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If you look into it you find - among other things - the "Seuss effect" in which C14 concentration in the atmosphere varies wildly over time due to "fossil fuel emissions" and also nuclear testing:


As well they "calibrate" purported C14 levels throughout the millenia via observations in the northern and southern hemispheres, as well as ice core samples, and so on, because radiocarbon measurements end up radically diverging at different time periods, near the equator or the Levant vs. elsewhere, and so on, relative to accepted historical timelines.

Personally I'm willing to say, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" with this one and presume there may be something to radio isotope dating (maybe I'm too naively optimistic) but it is for sure far from a silver bullet that "proves" anything, as it is based on quite a lot of assumptions about "the atmosphere", "our fossil fuel contribution", "nuclear" "bomb" testing, and so on and so on.

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Agreed. 65mill or 65thou?

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Excellent content provider Jamie, much Gratitude, looking forwards to more!

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Thanks Subo

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Jeffreys He seems an important figure

What's all this genetic profiling, criminal forensics etc about then? Founded on salt and soap?

Looking fwd to your PCR control tests in time


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Will cover all of the forensics and sequencing in later parts... This area is as big and as pseudoscientific as "virology" and is really my main focus.. so lots more to come.

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Excellent Jamie. This was my instantaneous question as well! Thank you!

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Honestly this is worthy of a Monty Python award (if such a thing doesn’t exist, we shall make one) It’s devastating!!!

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The gooey stuff being proteins reminds me of the Gerard Pollard’s ‘fourth phase of water’ ideas. Have you read his books? Looked into it? I suggest you glance at it. You might find some useful ideas in there

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I agree… the 4th phase of water… ultimately I think it is all charge based.

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That’d be my thought as well

And, it’s Gerard Pollack*, not Pollard :)

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I’ve recently been studying the Nuclear bomb fiction and it’s a deep rabbit hole. There are a few YouTube and Rumble videos those interested. Go to Rumble and search on fake nuclear bombs and similar searches. There is one about 2 hours long.

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Me too. My aha moment on this was listening to an interview by Jerm Warfare of Dr Michael Palmer (a nuclear medical physicist) on the fraud that was Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were not destroyed by nuclear/atomic weapons.

Michael later blotted his copybook as far as I’m concerned by writing elaborately about “viruses” as if they were real, in a paper coauthored by my other former colleague, Professor Sucharit Bakdhi. I remain sad about their insistence on the lie. I’ve no explanation that I like to explain their choices. It’s fruitless to follow up because nobody taking such a stance is positioned to give a complete explanation for it.

Obviously they’re entitled to their opinions but as they’re both very smart people and every one of the “pillars” upon which virology rests is readily demonstrable to be false.

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We can only share truth and see where it goes. My brother is in the UK medical system and is a consultant, it took me about 12 months to help him see the truth about viruses. We never know where the ripples will go when we throw a disruptive pebble into the pond of a souls consciousness. Freedom from illusions and dogma is a gift that helps so many more than just the one person we help.

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I forgot to thank you for such an interesting post. It was enlightening and fascinating as well as very humorous. The only mystery I have and would love to hear explained is how the “DNA” tests to prove a person is for example your actual daughter ( my own experience) or that someone is guilty of a crime by proving they were at the scene etc. what exactly is being measured in these cases ? I’m firmly in the No Virus camp incidentally. So no DNA is easy to accept based on the lack of scientific evidence.

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Thanks for your kind words of support Ian.. I am solely focused on DNA/Genetics for the time being and have lots of information about Tests, Forensics and Ancestry... Will be releasing lots of articles over the coming months... I agree with your eloquent synopsis about potentially never truly understanding what makes us tick....

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