Excellent. They have tried for 100 years to spread various flus as well - and all those failed. Viruses dont exist, or at best they are bacteria detritus. Dead, not alive, and they can't jump, fly or invade a cell. An entire industry built on fraud, lies and idiocy.

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Aug 10Liked by Jamie Andrews

I haven't found a more fraudulent science than virology, but i will keep searching.

Virologists could admit that it's a complete scam and that contagion is a myth and do a professional reconversion to document the effects of artificial EMF, which are one of the leading causes of disease in humans.

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Aug 11Liked by Jamie Andrews
Aug 19Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thank you for the link. I have been thinking there is something not adding up in the area of DNA. I appreciate any links people can recommend. It seems to be as reliable as virology to me. That makes me question the topic of GMOs. Could they have lied about this? I have been wondering if they simply developed plant or animal varieties that became resistant to certain herbicides and lied to farmers to force them to buy their seeds every year. Anyone have any insight into this?

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Aug 10Liked by Jamie Andrews


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Saving this article. I'll bet they also didn't consider one other variable. These `symptoms' may have been from being locked up without fresh air, for all those days. Sitting in my house during winter or high summer, with the air conditioner blowing at me for a week, gives me the exact same symptoms. The whole damn medical system is looking like a big money grabbing con.

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Aug 11Liked by Jamie Andrews

Good stuff again Jamie! Yeah, they couldn't do it with Spanish Flu in 1919 (https://sci-hub.tf/10.1001/jama.1919.02610310005002), they couldn't do it with measles in 1954 (https://sci-hub.wf/10.2105/ajph.47.3.275), and they can't do it now. It's all stalling tactics, to not have to admit viruses don't exist and be without funding, status and a job.

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Aug 11Liked by Jamie Andrews

I like to call it NOVID-19

No record found and no new disease!


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Aug 12Liked by Jamie Andrews

My favorite words for it are either convid or conjob!! BTW, I refuse to capitalize it. Hehe!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Jamie Andrews

Jamie, notice how many times these papers use the word Covid-19, Sars-CoV-2, and infection. Even if they scientifically failed, they still instill these concepts as truthfully existing in the masses and the possibility of contagion even with small numbers with meaningless symptoms caused by the procedure itself. Note one of the text images you pasted twice (It turned out that Zimmer....)

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It's tremendously important you keep sharing this story. Most people are oblivious to it.

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Aug 11Liked by Jamie Andrews

Not only oblivious. Try to tell the mainstream normie that viruses don't exist and many of them will become angry with you, because of cognitive dissonance. The fact that viruses don't exist means that they themselves are responsible for their health, and that doesn't sit well with many.

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We've been conditioned to believe many things for many years.

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Not angry, a little thick you know. Much of what has been commonly understood in the world for the last 75 years or so is slowly being deconstructed or exposed as lies. Death rides in a three piece suit or lab coat and went to ivy league schools. Difficult to understand for many doctors so you can imagine how the rest of us must struggle to understand. But will persevere. I save these essays to read and reread until I get it. I'm sure there are many more like me.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Jamie Andrews

I also heard about nurses in Italy which tried to get infected to avoid the jab, as those which had already got through “corona”, were exempt from the jab.

No one was able.

They even told me that they tried to lick the swab tests they took from their patients, and nothing.

So yes, one deduction is that the poison was most likely an aerosol substance which was released by, I guess, “private security agencies” which were paid to deliver devices which released the aerosolized poison in designated places, could make some people sick with the infamous symptoms “no smell, no taste, and lungs irritation, and spread the propaganda in every country on the planet.”or close to it “

Few sick people on television, and fake panic stories of hospitals filled with patients “which weren’t there”, more panic for the limited number of life saving machines “which killed nearly everyone who was made to use them”, and the all world was sick “with nothing” hypnotized and in full panic by more fake images of mass graves and blasted by fake numbers and absurd e statistics, soon to become really sick with their lungs, and completely hypnotized, desensitized, and blinded by the propaganda machine, unable to accept the fact that the reason why they couldn’t breathe, and why they were getting sick with their lungs, was because they were wearing a freaking diaper on their face for hours a day, “and even while walking with it while outside and in the sun”.

Hell, people alone inside the freaking cars, driving wearing the fxxxing thing. “And crashing”


People need to be woken up, and the dormant which don’t want to wake up needs to be push from it bunk.

Thx for sharing

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These viruses never strike when they’re being closely observed. Sneaky.

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Jamie, I am not on twitter/X but you have an absolute audience here.

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Thank You!

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Aug 12Liked by Jamie Andrews

The Common Cold Unit ran from 1946 until 1990, couldn’t prove contagion

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Aug 12Liked by Jamie Andrews

The mask thing was clearly created to cause illness. How would our cars do if we put a mask over our mufflers and all the gases couldn’t been released! The engine would stall and damage would occur. Masks on humans that complied, caused people to re-breathe their carbon dioxide as well as the toxins being released by the body. Less oxygen to the brain creates brain damage and less oxygen to the body causes cancers. Not to mention, the contagion theory is total BS.

I love this article Jamie! Excellent and much appreciated work!! 🙌🏻🙏🏻

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thank you for your kind words of support and agree with you on masks.

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Masks were an excellent way to count compliance and noncompliance. People, being social animals, went along more than not. I still see some people donning them.

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There's another interesting observation to be gleaned from the 3rd study. I wrote about it here:


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Interesting... thanks for the info. I didn't realise they followed up for a year afterwards.. even more damning results.

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Have subbed and reccomended... thanks.

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I love your work. Simple facts, yet so many can’t see the fallacies everywhere.

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Aug 12Liked by Jamie Andrews

It's laughable. All you'd need to do if their weak bullshit had any truth in it is put healthy people in contact with sick people in a natural way, just by breathing the same air.

After all this shit is supposed to be highly contagious, right? A distance had to be respected at all times and masks had to be worn, right? This should be the easiest experiment in the world... if it wasn't all bullshit.

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Correct… but they failed at doing that 100s of years ago.

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Aug 10Liked by Jamie Andrews

Akin to a firing squad with no bullets in their rifles.

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Fantastic analogy

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