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My Journey to vindication started in the first few months of 2021. I had been on a mission from mid 2020 to find Contagion Studies in the peer reviewed and published literature. It began with the Rosenau studies in 1918 with failure to transmit “The Spanish Flu” to 100 healthy men over the course of three separate attempts. This in and of itself was compelling evidence to me, but I was keen to find more to verify one way or t’other.
I had started to uncover maybe 15/20 more papers in the next months, mostly influenza challenges but some a bit more “fruity” such as Padian Et Al the largest and longest study of HIV transmission in 179 discordant HIV couples over 10 years, where ZERO people in sexually active partnerships transmitted “HIV”. The confidence in my new found “theory” that Contagion was a Myth was bristling.
My wife ,whom at the time paid little attention to my “Online Twittering”, but knew roughly that I was looking into “viruses” walked into the room one afternoon and announced “ Oh, By the way Honey, Thought it might be interesting, I saw on the BBC that they did a documentary on one of those Trial things where they give people the Flu on purpose”.
The blood had visibly drained from my face at the realization that some really modern and sophisticated science had taken place. They took these “purified viruses” and made people sick with them. After all they made a documentary about it right? I forced myself through gritted teeth to watch the 30minute documentary.
It was of particular interest as the person who was the lead of this experiment was Jonathan Van Tam the then Health Minister for the UK government dictating the absurd and disgraceful Lockdown measures and vaccine roll out.
We heard Jonathan Van Tam wax lyrical about this £7.2m study of Influenza A being the largest of it’s kind and even heard him make the spurious claim “It’s extraordinary that it’s not been done before” … very weird to me as it certainly had.. but anyway.
They showed video of the hospital setting and the volunteers laying down and how they put these vials of purified virus up their nose. Part way through they focus in on one of the volunteers named “Chloe”, who described the experience “Like Big Brother”
“Chloe” then describes her experience where they intentionally try and make her infected with a “virus” that is said to be responsible for the deaths of 600,000 people annually. Although instead of abject fear, combined with symptoms of disease she seems rather jovial about the affair, being more concerned about the very mild inconvenience of having to wear a lightweight plastic visor.
It concluded with some waffle about what a “difficult area of study” it was and how “People infected in the lab may not respond in the same way as people in the real world”. Well… I found this very odd… They had directly put these viruses up people’s noses, yet were seemingly making excuses and had not ACTUALLY discussed any of the results.
None of these things were making sense, when it occurred to me that they must have published the paper, this study was conducted back in 2013, so should have been put out… and indeed it was.
I opened it up, my eyes went directly to the results, looking at the people they Quarantined next to the “donors” who had been directly given “virus”. This was the part of the study where the “test” was occurring determining efficacy of masked vs unmasked. The problem was is that NOBODY… ZERO people in either group tested PCR positive.
It was an absolute home run…. they FAILED and had to admit, even in their title there was “Minimal Transmission” (It was actually NO transmission but whatever).
But I kept looking and something popped out at me. Given our dear “Chloe’s” lack of concern and combined with THEIR express definition of transmission PCR positive NOBODY got “Influenza A”. Yet a look down at the Clinical Illness numbers see these people with Influenza Like Illness and being symptomatic roughly 30% of the time!!!!
So here are the definitions of “Illness”, reporting “Runny Nose” or “Stuffy Nose”, “Sneeze”, “Sore throat” …any two of these being classed as an “Influenza type Illness ILI”
So in this study these people did NOT have any “virus” put up their nose and were NOT classed as having contracted the “virus” by PCR negative. They HAD been repeatedly tested for PCR by intrusive nasal swabs right to the back of the nasal passages. It was clear to me that these “Symptoms” being passed off as “ILI” were all caused by the PCR tests themselves.
Not only were my initial fears squashed but I had stumbled across the greatest Contagion study yet which showed a control group being injured by PCR tests and being passed off a symptom. I then for the next month or two PLASTERED this information on Twitter gathering HUGE attraction hitting some 500k views in a week on one post.
People were tagging Jonathan Van Tam left right and center. It turned out that his Grandfather, Nyugen Van Tam, was a brutal Vietnamese Dictator so his deviousness ran in his blood and more importantly he KNEW that his trial failed… it was entitled “Minimal Transmission” for a start.
BANG! All of a sudden my account got nuked, 30k followers down the drain. “Misinformation”.
2022 rolls round, I start a new account and build back some of the following I had. Who then rocks up to the party? That’s right, it’s our beloved Johnny “Minimal Transmission” Van Tam, this time back with the Hot Topic of the moment “A Covid Trial”
Safety, tollerability and viral kinetics in Sars Cov 2 Human Challenge
I open up the paper and the very first thing that jumps out at me. THEY HAVE REMOVED THE “TRANSMISSION” PART. They had completely removed the part where they have people in quarantined conditions next to supposedly infected patients from direct nasal inoculation!!!
They were admitting in Jonathan Van Tam’s very own words that the “Largest study of its kind had FAILED”, so much so that on the world stage when all eyes were on this trial during the heat of the Scamdemic they didn’t want to risk another fudge…..problem was, they still fudged it.
They took what they believed to be "Isolated" virus : A completely unregulated concoction knowingly containing Monkey Kidney cells and Numerous Antibiotics such as Amphoterecin and Gentomicin (Known renal toxins). It could however have anything else in it as Trial "medicine" is given exemption for regulation.
They put it up the noses of 36 people (Incidentally paid £4k each) and monitored them for 28 days with 2x daily PCR tests and LFT again up the nose, so each participant would have received 56! Nasal swabs. We know from our previous trial that these swabs cause damage to the sensitive lining of the nostrils and are recorded as “Symptoms” of Influenza or in this case “Covid”.
Just to make sure they got some people feeling sick they gave 10 people the highly poisonous drug Remdesivir!!
SO let’s get into these really “Sick” people who has what they consider to be PURE “Sars Cov 2” directly up the nose. Yep that’s right… roughly 30% of the people had only MILD to Moderate nasal stuffiness , sneezing, Rhinitis. ALL the symptoms that we have shown are caused by the 56 Nasal Swabs. A few people registered elevated temperature, doesn’t necessarily mean they were sick, an elevated temperature can be stress or fear induced and also considering they don’t tell us which participants had Remdesivir it is highly likely this could have attributed somewhat.
WE can see that this paper shows NO Contagion of disease by introducing these supposed “virus” direct to patients, this is only done by cross reference and inference in the results, they STILL cling on to the notion of transmitting disease.
UNTIL 2024…. Vindication!
They admitted it! Not only that but they admitted it in the very publication (Nature) that Published Jonathan Van Tam’s “Covid” trial.
Incorporated into this article was a further trial where they were looking at “Immunity”. In this published article on the trial in Nature 1st May 2024 they tell the story of Mr Zimmer-Harwood in the Lancet Study that they reference with links at the bottom of article.
In a massive statement they categorically state that not a single person got the disease "COVID 19" 36/36 people did NOT get a clinical diagnosis of having the disease. They palm this off as "ImMuniTy" because these trial subjects supposedly had previous C19 "infections".
So let's go and have a look at this Lancet study and the study subjects whom Nature describe as categorically NOT having the disease COVID 19 after direct challenge with supposed purified "SARS COV 2”
Indeed up to 33% experiences Muscle Pains, 33% Anosmia (changes or loss of smell, 28% Headache and bizarrely even Severe Toothache is noted LOL. These symptoms are all self reported and are mild to moderate.
When we lay everything out in front of us between these three papers we have EXACTLY the same mild to Moderate symptoms occurring in ALL groups both with direct “virus” inoculation or without. They are occurring in almost exactly the same percentages of patients. We follow TWO patients Paul and “Chloe” who when interviewed both state or insinuate they feel absolutely fine. I hope you would agree with me that on conclusion they have admitted in their most modern and comprehensive trials of “viruses” that they 100% FAILED to transmit any disease by DIRECTLY putting up patients noses what they consider to be purified “Virus”….. and THEY ADMITTED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent. They have tried for 100 years to spread various flus as well - and all those failed. Viruses dont exist, or at best they are bacteria detritus. Dead, not alive, and they can't jump, fly or invade a cell. An entire industry built on fraud, lies and idiocy.
I haven't found a more fraudulent science than virology, but i will keep searching.
Virologists could admit that it's a complete scam and that contagion is a myth and do a professional reconversion to document the effects of artificial EMF, which are one of the leading causes of disease in humans.