Awesome Jamie!

It's so nice to see Courtenay. He's been a Honey Badger for justice.

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Isn't he just... a real diamond and a warrior.

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Yes, like yourself!

I am truly grateful for the both of you!

Fours years ago there was very little traction on the virus illusion. Today, thousands are waking up from their deep slumber.

We win!

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And you too Doug... a true hero... picking up steam as we march on...

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I recall running across Lanka in 2020 and that's what really got me questioning viruses. I do not believe they exist and that all pandemics are fake events. Thanks for the work you are doing. I have never submitted to a PCR assessment but it seems just about everyone I know has. It just makes sense that since there is no standard for cycles to be used, that it is a complete fraud. Like these short videos very much.

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What creeped me out was how proud they seemed to be when their PCR came back positive. It was as if they were being initiated into a cult that would protect them for their suffering.

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Thanks to both for searching for truth and speaking out.

I am aware that we are stuck with these falsehoods and we need to use the same tools to call out the virology fraud.

When it comes to PCR it basically producing artefacts and misinterpreted manipulated data .

It is not even suitable as a laboratory techniques .

Kate Sugak:



📖👉 https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/pcr-and-real-time-rt-pcr-under-critical-review/

Dear friends, as a continuation of a previously shared article "DNA DISCOVERY, EXTRACTION AND STRUCTURE. A CRITICAL REVIEW", I want to share an amazing article written by the same author on the simply blatant anti-science of PCR technology. After reading it, as well as reading all the sources the author refers to, you will see that PCR not only cannot be used for medical purposes, but we do not even have any evidence that PCR works as claimed, that is, that it is capable of amplifying anything at all. 🤯 I recommend everyone to read these 2 articles carefully, even if you are far from biochemistry or molecular biology, as in my opinion, these articles are very clearly laid out for everyone.”


A comment in the PCR article.


What PCR does is make copies of "genetic material." Let's remember that "genetic material" is only a chemical product.

Any meaning we impose on genetic material is our own mind trying to fool us. The magnification of this genetic material may or may not allow to "see" (abusing language here) real details of the chemical in question.

Assuming that the magnification process does not add or subtract information from the genetic material, the multiple copies of if perhaps allow, perhaps, to measure things that are very difficult to measure using the small sample.

But logic says that you can only be certain that the new measurements done on the amplified genetic material coincide with the original sample if, and only if, you have the original measurements on the original sample, to compare.

And now we have a tool to obsess about, like Blake's Newton and his compass and roll of paper.

Because if you know (belief, belief, belief...) by measuring X, Y and Z facts on very many small samples of genetic material, and you also measure exactly X, Y and Z on the corresponding amplified samples, then you are very tempted to say: "Hey, the next time someone brings me a small sample of genetic material, I'm going to go directly to the thermal-cycler, and start the amplification right away, and I'll measure my X, Y and Z on the amplified material, and then simply proclaim that the original sample also has X, Y and Z.

And I can do this because the PCR method has been found to be ultra precise and reliable. So we are allowed to jump to conclusions safely."

This is what is really happening, and it is irrational.

And yet it may also be correct: the result may be a perfect replica of the original, even though you have not gone through the awful work of looking at the original thoroughly.

And you cannot be "certain" because you cannot compare. You've done a beautiful leap of faith, disguised as precise measurement of something objectively true.

And the charlatans who rule us got wind of this. And it was relatively easy, once the undue prestige of Science and its modern tools was established, to fool everyone, including students of biology and medicine, into the complete absurdity of having amplification with addition of information from incomplete samples.

Obviously, the added information, generated by the PCR process, cannot be compared with the original full sample because it was an incomplete sample.

But impossibilities don't discourage charlatans.

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Thanks for the Wonderful work to all those involved for the future of humanity, our children and those yet to arrive....hope this builds momentum and gets out there with the light it deserves....

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Seeing that the construction of modern medicine was done by the eugenicist funding Rockefeller Foundation, what's to be confusing about what we are seeing. Their friend Gates who was booted out of India and proven to have harmed hundreds of thousands there and Africa, what is confusing about calling out these ghouls? Ghouls is being kind.

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It is going to be extremely difficult to even get admission of how flawed a routine test for potassium is, let alone make millions of “healthcare” workers purposely loose their income by admitting their whole career is based on the fantasy of contagion … In the past two weeks, I found three well paid job vacancies in our nearest hospital- one for Maternity Vaccination Nurse, one for an assistant to that and one for PCR Technician 😳

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Well done guys another excellent reference piece.

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Hello Jamie,

Am listening in from Fiji and am really and truly memorized by the way you simplify the deceit the world was led to believe in.

I would dearly love to take my GOVT and health officials and main stream media to task for the suffering that folks endured during the last 4 years.

Any pointers?


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Hey Tyrone, thanks for your support… the best way to make things happen is to network in your local community… Put the aerials out and find other people that are likeminded… When you speak out you will be surprised just how many there are.

Cheers J

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Simy excellent interview ! Love it. Keep smashing it 🤘

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Great interview !!! --- very clear and understandable -- well spoken and straight forward ---------- i am on board !00 %%%%%%%%%% ---- BRAVO !!! BRAVO !!!

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Thank you!

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