This of course is wonderful. Obviously, there is much that I could say and add to this history based upon my own experiences in the U.S. I am hopeful that I will get the chance as well as the TIME to do so.

For now, I just want to add more context concerning my assertions pertaining to the "venture capitalist" who was funding Peter Duesberg after Duesberg's government funding was cut (presumably by Anthony Fauci himself...?). The amount of funding that this VC sent to Duesberg himself solely for Duesberg's "RESEARCH" purposes could have (and SHOULD have) easily paid for isolation experiments for so-called "HIV" like the ones that the Perth Group were proposing and hoping to get funded but which NEVER did happen. This funding could even have gone a long way to paying for the control experiments that Jamie Andrews, the host on this substack, has recently started spearheading. It is true that over many years this VC has been funding not only Duesberg but other Duesberg-aligned groups and orgs in the "AIDS" dissident movement, even one in which I was a very active volunteer and participant. However, unfortunately, it is a sad fact that this VC never once sent one penny to the Perth Group for ANY purpose!

This adds to the TRAGEDY and disappointment that befell our dear old and now long-deceased "AIDS" dissident movement that Anthony and I were a part of. Brink and I didn't focus very much on motives back when we documented all of these events. See: https://tig.org.za/RA.htm

David Crowe was a BUSINESSMAN first and foremost. Crowe became quite aware of where the MONEY might manifest itself in our old "AIDS" dissident movement, and more recently I've come to believe that this may explain why Crowe decided to switch to a more Duesberg-aligned approach in the 2000s, i.e., most likely for potential financial reasons. Although as discussed in this video, it IS difficult to show someone's intent, I now believe that Crowe wanted IN on the action with Duesberg and Rasnick and the VC funding their business ventures in biotech. We may never know whether Crowe actually HAD a piece of that action or not. Nevertheless, Crowe took steps to PROTECT Duesberg and Rasnick from the scrutiny that they otherwise would have faced had Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos been allowed to fully and publicly criticize their arguments on so-called "HIV".

After all, Eleni had ALREADY struck down Duesberg's harmless passenger virus nonsense mercilessly and quite thoroughly in the previous decade in 1996. See: https://www.theperthgroup.com/CONTINUUM/PapadopolousReallyAchieved1996.pdf However, Eleni felt compelled to keep pushing Duesberg on these issues precisely because of the widespread, persistent but misguided support that Duesberg continued to enjoy from the likes of David Crowe and Rasnick and others in our "AIDS" dissident movement, even years after Eleni's colossal takedown of Duesberg in Continuum Magazine.

There is one more thing I feel compelled to add and that is to provide more context into the bungling of the proposed experiments that came out of the South African Presidential AIDS Advisory panel. The experiments were bungled at least in part because of the way these experiments were handled by Harvey Bialy, who, as Anthony noted, was a vehement supporter of Peter Duesberg. Specifically, Bialy chose to focus on the easier proposed experiment (interchangeably referred to as the "adsorption" or "pre-absorption" experiments), but Bialy IGNORED the more important isolation experiments that were proposed. It was these isolation experiments which the Perth Group kept insisting needed to be performed IN CONJUNCTION with the adsorption experiments. See: https://www.tig.org.za/Bialy.pdf

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Thank you for the additional information. It’s hard to believe that Crowe was incognisant of the effect a change of stance would have on the case. And, sadly, it is so often true that all one must do is follow the money or the allure of money not to mention fame.

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Thanks for this Rod.

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This is a veritable pot of gold. I sincerely appreciate the information, but also the time and effort that went into this behind the scenes to bring the truth to light. I can’t thank each of you enough.

Thank you.

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Thank you

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very stimulating and most enjoyable interview ----- it is very rare , sad to say , that i can find such two people as you and Anthony that actually dwell and speak in reality and sanity ------------------

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Thank you for your kind words Bradley.

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The sharks are circling the viral hypothesis - and not before time.

Ellie's mention of pleomorphism is very significant too - the time will come when the entire infectious disease narrative comes crashing down, as one supposedly lethal bacterium morphs into a fungus, or another benign bacterium.

The analogy that is often used in support of this idea is that we would be somewhat foolish to imagine that because firefighters are always found at the site of a blaze, then they are the ones who lit the match.

Somebody criticized Jamie for interrupting his guest, or talking too much, but I found his comments got the discussion back on track, whenever the guest was wandering off it a bit.

The guest also complimented him for his ability to nail an idea down with a simple analogy or reframing of the problem.

The one thing I personally found to be misrepresented was the Galileo / Copernicus issue.

The outcome of their beliefs was that everybody gradually abandoned the church's idea of a geocentric universe - but all Galileo ever did was to observe through his telescope that "small objects orbit big objects."

A genuine scientist will then ask the obvious question, "So which is bigger - the earth or the sun?" and nobody has any definitive evidence to show that the sun is bigger than earth - still less that it is 93 mma.

The inverse square law suggests that, given the amount of light and heat we experience here on earth, then the celestial orb must surely be infinitely closer to us than we are told.

Further, of course, the source Copernicus used for data to justify his belief in a heliocentric universe was lifted wholesale from Tycho Brahe, who had devised a very simple and elegant model to explain all his observations in terms of the sun orbiting the earth - in a nutshell, the planets orbit the sun, which itself orbits the earth.

But that, as they say, is for another day, and another place.

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What a great interview Jamie! Anthony seem to be a wealth of information. Just like Eric surprised me with his blatant attempt at trying to character assassinate you in his article after his abhorrent interview I'm am astounded that I've not heard more of Anthony in this space... What are the "Eric" types keeping themselves busy with?

I hope you'll have more interviews with Anthony!

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Thanks Desmond…

Yes, Anthony is a true gentleman whose work to raise awareness of the dangers of AZT right to the very top of the political landscape was second to none. He got things done rather than the Eric types, who I think must be busy howling at the moon lol.

Cheers J

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A very interesting interview which helps to piece together some of the history. It also reminds us that there are many unsung heroes that we must be grateful to for bringing the Beast’s scams to light; thanks to Anthony Brink for his part 🙏🏻

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It is insane. ELISA tests requires the blood being diluted to a ration of 1:400 otherwise everyone will be tested positive. Please check this link. https://www.robertogiraldo.com/eng/papers/EveryoneTestsPositive.html

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interesting thanks.....yes on doing the antigen control tests I found it seemed to be just a concentration and viscosity of liquid that affected the outcome the most... ridiculous really.... I have a sneaking suspicion that the PCR is no different

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Jamie, you mentioned that you were crowdfunding for your Virology Controls Studies Project. Would you please drop a link in the chat? thanks!

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Hi Siobhan, The corwdfunding is just through Substack subs or Buymeacoffee links. Thank you for any kind donations.

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There was a concerted effort by our news media in the 90's in the UK. I don't know what was happening in SA but all the media networks are connected. It surprises me that Brink says there wasn't. The graphics in the national advert were horrendous with a gravestone with AIDS etched on it exploding. It was in dark colours and I was absolutely petrified by it, in my 20's then so very impressionable. Just the same fearmongering crap we experienced this time round. As soon as covaids popped it's ugly head up, it just reminded me of the campaign by big news bulletins decades previously with AIDS. In 2020, our local news programmes started their bulletins with a bell tolling, showing gravediggers in hazmat suits and N95 masks digging multiple graves in a Newtownabbey graveyard in N Ireland. Can you imagine young children watching that. By God they've studied human psychology for years and know exactly how to "get" us. Retards.

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I'm very interested in the syphilis information if it's available somewhere. It has occurred to me for a while that that might have been a scam too but I have not previously encountered any information.

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thanks for winning the internet. I really appreciate.

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I really wanted to hear what your guest had to say, but unfortunately he hardly got a chance to speak. He is a dissident of the first hour and would certainly have had a lot to say.

Can you please revise your style towards guests, Jamie. After all, we all benefit from that. Thank you in advance.

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Great interview!

If HIV doesnt exist I am assuming you also believe SIV does not exist either?

Whats the best book on HIV has never been proven hypothesis?

The iv dropped out a few times as I was driving so I was unsure if you mentioned that Montagnier admitted his photo of HIV was a contamination.. I cannot find the link reference for this at the moment..


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Hi Mike, I am doing a huge Write up on the HIV scam now… should be ready end of next week… Cheers J

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Dr John H. Tilden, Toxemia Explained

The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease

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Nancy Turner Banks MD, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire. The Deadly Virus of International Greed



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AIDS, The Mystery And The Solution and AIDS And The Doctors of Death by Alan Cantwell, MD

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AIDS INC. Scandal of the Century by Jon Rappoport

foreword by Laurence E. Badgley, MD

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Pathogens? Are you sure there's such a thing Jamie? Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Amandha Vollmer have questioned this phenomenon and concluded that they don't exist.

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The body goes through pleomorphism whereby the conditions change in the body say through eating incorrectly therefore cells change just like Gaston Naesons witnessed. If the body is clever enough to morph like that, what is a pathogen? Has it ever been characterised, isolated or purified? Is it another label that's incorrect, like viruses? Cowan has already advised there's no such thing as a pathogen and Vollmer also.

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ATTENTION: RFK, the real Anthony Fauci movies part 1/2 are available for free for 10 days.

links I hope work.



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