Aug 25Liked by Jamie Andrews

What a great idea this is Jamie!

If this takes off, a lot of data could be collected quickly. Genius 🤓.

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Thank you Mia... Yes I want to encourage people to take the "science" into their own hands... I think it is pretty fun too... the excitement of "hacking" the system.

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You are doing fantastic work to expose the fraud. Keep it up!

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Thank you for your kind words of support Stuart.

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Aug 25Liked by Jamie Andrews

Excellent article! This is so exciting! My vicar friend came round yesterday (not coming in the house of course) to say he had to avoid the Sunday service because his wife had tested positive for covid. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I haven’t known him for long so we haven’t spoken about the scamdemic but it gave me the opportunity to say that we needed to talk, that the tests were bogus. He was shocked but was open to meeting to discuss it. Needless to say I will be showing him your article when we get together. 😊 Wish me luck.

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This is what it is all about... Talking in person. Now that the "heat" has calmed down from 2020 it is all time we had a grown up discussion about what happened to make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't think you will need luck as the truth always shines through.... but good luck!

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Aug 25Liked by Jamie Andrews

Share far and wide everybody...

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Aug 26Liked by Jamie Andrews

I sincerely appreciate your creative ideas on how to dismantle the predatory sickness management mafia.

Less than a week ago, I was telling friends that I knew governments lied, especially about science and health. I said I intuitively believed that we were also being lied to about genetics and DNA as well as “nanotechnology”. Then you dropped this in my lap.

I have to tell you that when I saw the video about the lizard being 51% male Askanazi Jew, I must have belly-laughed for over half-minute. My cat stared at me as if he was concerned about my mental state.

I had already seen an article about dog DNA, and the ridiculous results received. For example, a Great Dane result came back as mostly Chihuahua.

Your idea of decentralization is genius. You are the first that I have come across to mention this solution. I also appreciate the information and links to support your idea.

Thank you!

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Hey, thank you for all of your kind words of support.

Yes the genetics tests with the lizard is hilarious and I also like the woman on CBS news who looks genuinely miffed they thought she was a bulldog.

It is important to have fun whilst we unpick their bullshit science, being all doom and gloom ain't gonna work.

Yep, people power, bottom up and grassroots movement is the way forward... glad you are on board and stay in touch

Cheers J

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Aug 25Liked by Jamie Andrews

Wow! What a beautiful idea because it is diversified instead of just a single source reporting the results. When you have so many different sources debunking the “science”, I think it gives even more credibility. Heck, the kids proof alone should be plenty but this effort should be amazing!!

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Thank you... yes this is the true power of Decentralized Science. Hoping that some do give it a try.

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Amazing article!!

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Cheers mate

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I can hear my virtue signaling lib brother - in - law spouting bu- bu-but those people are ruining the validity of science. 😂🤣

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Aug 27Liked by Jamie Andrews

Challenging the validity of "the science" is the whole point.

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Aug 28Liked by Jamie Andrews


My very very elderly parents have been, from their facility,-- which I am not allowed to know where it is, or to visit, or to call, or write, or have any contact whatsoever-- diagnosed with "Covid." I am waiting for the email telling me they've left this life...

And I know ALL ABOUT this fraud. I am helpless to help them. I can only hope they don't suffer very long, if at all.

That said, this post is brilliant, and I am heartened every time I see signs of hope, which seem to be becoming more and more frequent... Let's take these rat bastards down!

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Aug 27Liked by Jamie Andrews

sorry., If its in BBC, we can bet our last dollar that its fake news. The children from UK are as dumb as they come, with 100+ vaccines, chemtrail's, GMOs and Fluoride in water, plus dumbed by education system for over two decades in UK, they wouldn't know the difference between light and day let alone hacking antigen test.

FACT: One in four children in UK are unable to read to the required standard.

FACT: 25% of 10 and 11 year-old students in England did not reach the expected level of reading in their SATs and 22% when tested on grammar, punctuation and spelling.

It was just a reverse psy-op to make believe Covid was actually real and PCR works NOT anti-gen. if you have met any children from UK, you would know it would be impossible for them to come up with anything, even UK adults 99% of them are dumb who took the vaxx. The mainstream will make anyone smart and dumb as they wish

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I can garauntee it wasn't fake news.... read the peer reviewed and Published paper attached.

I agree that the news are agents of state propaganda I still think that information may be gleaned from it.

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Aug 26Liked by Jamie Andrews

This is perfect

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I think what we need to be asking is, what are these tests actually measuring? I know how Kerry Mullis described how they work, or how they are supposed to work. We don't know what they are actually testing, do we? Now there have been plenty of scientists and tesearchers who have looked at Coke, Pepsi, Red Bull, Coconut water, tap water etc… and have found quantum dot technology, fibers, nano tubes etc….we have had them dumped on us, so in our air, water, and food supply. Not just processed food, every animal, plants etc.. growing outdoors or taking in water from the system, or open water, is going to be infiltrated with this “smart dust”. Is that perhaps what these tests are actually reacting to?? Maybe a dumb hypothesis, I’m not a scientist, but too many constants…??

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I think those are the right type of questions to be asking

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A priceless article. Thanks. In contrast, I was far too intense with this one: https://open.substack.com/pub/drmathewmaavak/p/remembering-john-magufuli-the-late?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=jn0zt

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Thank you Mathew. The Magafuli "incident" is quite charged given his inevitable demise so it is hard not to give that credence.

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Keep up the good work!

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These useless tests are obviously not specific. They give a result on everything. Probably pH manipulation and the like.

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Aug 27Liked by Jamie Andrews

Excellent idea.

I have been thinking along similar lines in terms of creating some open source science in order to challenge pharma.

It wouldn't take a great deal of effort to do some sort of "clinical trial" on say vitamin D supplementation or Zinc and seeing if it reduces the likelihood of "catching" a cold or flu.

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Hmm… well we can probably do that without a test… Synthetic Vit D is Cholcalciferol which IS the active ingredient in rat poison… I seriously wouldn't recommend taking it…. oh and you cant catch a cold.

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Amazingly Jamie. Wonderful contribution to free thinking and agency

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