Jul 21Liked by Jamie Andrews

Great work Jamie! Thank you.

We have been deceived for too many decades.

There is no virus!

There is no test!

There is no contagion!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Breaking the shackles of Virology pseudoscience.

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Thank you Doug, totally agree.. we are all moving in the right direction

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Most definitely.. Larkin Rose's book that you have linked "A dangerous Superstition" is probably the most complete awakening for anyone in the madness of what the State is.

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Jul 23Liked by Jamie Andrews

Yes, and for those that don't want to spend hours reading or listening, there is a great short version with the same essentials captured: https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state-audiobook. It's pretty much a shortened version (just over an hour long) of Hoppe' https://ia801508.us.archive.org/14/items/911-material/Pdfs/Democracy%20The%20God%20That%20Failed.pdf.

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Jul 23Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thanks, I appreciate all of the reference links. It's helpful to understand why there is so much fraud in medical.

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first link doesn't work

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Jul 24Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thanks for the notification, looks like the link has changed to https://mises.org/podcasts/anatomy-state. Let me know what you think of it!

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Yes! All these fake narratives can only be sustained because gov support them. Or to be more precise, the people who actually own the world behind the scenes support them.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Love that guy, thanks for this.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Great book thank you for sharing!

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Happily cross-posted! Thank you Jamie! Looking forward to learning from you! xx

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Thank you very much for your support Frances.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Decentralized Science for the win 💪🏻.

A revolutionary idea, amazing! 💙

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I second that sentiment.

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Jul 21Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thanks Jamie, so important, future generations are continuing on this...

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Thank you for doing this important work for the people. Gatekeepers are no longer required (or wanted).

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Thank you Stuart.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Debunking germ theory is a very much needed approach right now; with the bird flu being cued in by the media.

Thanks to Frances for cross posting your stack, I'm subscribing.

I often have arguments with people who believe in germ theory. I usually say that most of the time, it's aerosolized toxicants.

It will be useful to have solid arguments against lock downs for sure. It will be a bonus if we can make "officials" who enforce such abominations humiliated by their stupidity; I'll never comply with a lock down, or a mandate.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Never forget, if you challenge the government narrative, as many of us have over the last four years - don’t be surprised if they don’t strike back.

Government surveillance systems can delete hard drives that are not even connected to the web.

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This is the reason for educating on the necessity for decentralizing Science. I am making a program that can be copied and replicated by anyone looking to setup their own control experiments. I encourage everyone to replicate these in different countries and add to the experiments, the more done, the stronger the scientific claim and the harder it is to stop.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Can I ask if you’re doing anything different to what Stefan Lanka has done or to what Dr Tom Cowan has written in his book The Contagion Myth?

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we have taken Stefan Lanka's work and expanded upon it with Cell Cultures but also with Microscopy images.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

If you need an example of state interference, you only need to look at the issues Dr Vernon Coleman has had. He made a video and said he had to stop making videos as things in the house were going wrong, and he blamed the state. If you think that’s nonsense, everything Dr Vernon Coleman described - they’ve done the exact same to me.

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Jul 24Liked by Jamie Andrews

Decentralisation is our aim too, in our apolitical English Constitution Society, as the opposite has led us into this mess which we refer to as Soviet Britain. They have twice unlawfully imposed “Britain” & “British” on the three countries & a Province which make up the British Isles, stealing our true nationalities from us. Great Britain is a political Union NOT a country nor a nationality - it is the blueprint for other political unions like the Soviets; the EU; Yugoslavia; and even the USA (where do you think the EU’s borderless plan came from from)? Since 1981 they cancelled English, Welsh, Scottish, & Northern Irish without public debate & without referenda & without a. Clear manifesto description, contrary to international law and our English & Welsh Constitution. Most people don’t know this as it’s unreported by our wholly controlled media/Glavitz. We have sufficient cause to void the Acts of Union which will immediately cancel the British power base & all wrongs committed against us. First we must escape the British soviet injustice system.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

I thought https://www.terraintheory.net/blogs/podcast/episode-126-jamie-andrews-on-ending-virology-control-studies-and-the-peoples-science was a great talk on your project and the hoax of virology.

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A proof that PCR is not diagnostic will be a HUGE service to mankind. I continue to read serious articles about COVID deaths, but as long as COVID is diagnosed with PCR, there are no valid COVID death statistics. Which likely means there were no COVID deaths. Which means COVID was a complete fraud. We knew that, but we need proof for the disbelievers. Go to it Jamie!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Jamie Andrews

Yes. There is no evidences for "viruses". Virologists and their colleagues use cell culture or/and PCR to amplify alleged "viruses" particles/sequences. But, in reality they play with human and animal tiny body parts and generate artefacts. They use fabrication by experimental setup. They report the results of experiments they never conducted: isolation, amplification, sequencing of alleged "viruses".

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

This sounds like... The Future. ^_^


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Thank you for your kind words.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

I’m just a ways into this, but HOLY COW, it couldn’t be any more than EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I need some of this fuel for THIS COMING FRIDAY.


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No worries... to be honest I am just as excited as you... I just really wanted to see the results for myself and it brings me joy that lots of others have the same feeling and have donated and enabled it to occur. The true power of crowdsourcing and decentralized Scientific experiments! Stay in touch.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Tell ya what… I keep on buying Lottery tickets, because I’m so broke, I’m being evicted, smeared so I can’t get work, all hell breaking loose… But if I win the Lottery, I’ll for sure send you a fat check! ^_^ Maybe the govt will have to wither up and die first, and I’d be okay with that! lol

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Sorry to hear of your struggles... yes I think there is a huge awakening happening where people are finally realising the government is the problem with the world

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thanks, I'll get through it. xo

I've seen a bit of Larken Rose before, on Youtube... the Dots, or something. But he's my newest HERO, on fire! Oh, yeeeeeeah! If only I were 20 years old, so I could see the NEW WORLD PARADIGM... But maybe I will anyway. ^_^ Cheers, Jamie!

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

We’re sooooooo hungry for TRUTH. It’s the Food for the Soul, truly.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thank you for having faith in the common sense within our species. It is oil to the rusted hinges of our captivity and encouragement to step beyond the threshold of our fears.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

When first introduced to the concept of a vaccine, whilst at infant school, one assumes it is proven, tested and safely understood medicine.

However, when at junior school (age 7-11), investigation shows that only the rules of usage (often mandatory) are found if one researched. Nothing about how the vaccines worked and what proof there was that they did in fact work.

Then at secondary and higher education (age 11-18), the explanation given of "how the Weakened-Virus gave the body a chance to detect and fightback against future attacks by the stronger versions of the same virus" was never presented with solid data to provide solid proof.

One was expected to simply believe their "Weakend-Virus" story.

*** Even as a young teenager, I wanted solid proof of this. ***

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

This is exactly what the doctor didn’t order and will make court cases taken against members of the living-brain public very one-sided in the right direction. I’ll share this to my colleagues in the EnglishConstitutionSociety.com as we have successfully challenged lockdowns etc so such evidence as this will help us to do that in future especially the Asian bird flu plandemic now underway.

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Hi Anthony,

Yes the Control Studies Project I am running is geared up specifically to work in legal terms by operating on this main legal vehicle in science. I have explained a little more about it in this Substack here.https://controlstudies.substack.com/p/the-power-of-control?r=27c5yh

I am thrilled to hear you are challenging Lockdown in court and part of the resistance to make sure 2020 never happens again. I am always around to ask questions and be of any assistance in your endeavors.

Kind Regards


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Jul 24Liked by Jamie Andrews

Thanks Jamie. That’s a great help. We have the metropolitan police (crown agents) in the High Court against all the odds. The British justice system is stacked heavily against such actions. The charge is torture. 5 individuals & the Metropolitan police force & the crown are involved. They tortured one of our members is the charge - on his way through London during an unlawful Lockdown to lawfully petition the Queen against Lockdowns. Since we expect politics to overrule law as seperation of powers was usurped by parliament in young Victorias Reign (not on Netflix btw), we have pre-arranged an appeal in Texas under UNCAT. The nature of torture being predominantly committed by the state, caused the United Nations to create this route to impartiality. We expect to win at appeal therefore with eye-watering punitive damages against our King as police constables take their oath to him. Its a case on a parallel with Parliament’s Dirty Secret”. It’s been a tortuous road to get English justice for our young member & will be a landmark case. You won’t see it on the bbc of course!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Good stuff Jamie, keep it up!

Where's the donation address? :)

Btw.: not sure if you have one yet, but a channel on Odysee could serve as a backup for content like this.

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You guys are doing a great service to humanity.

Thank you.

I hope a good scientist takes on the task of criticizing your work. And, if he fails, I hope other scientists can escape from the grip of scientism.

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Jul 22Liked by Jamie Andrews

Jamie, thank you in advance. Looking forward to checking out your work. Frances Leader introduced me to your substack.

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Thank you J.R. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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Thanks. Will do.

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