I really hope everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is taking this seriously, because I’ve had enough of the malarkey than ever. This is seriously biology 101. Bravo to everyone in this study. We can continue to tell everyone to fuck off and, make sure you are using all of this real science daily.

Mask mandates are back in CA and will be soon to you unless you all take this seriously.

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This is serious, but it in no ways disproves the existence of viruses. There are many, many other ways that viruses are detected, including turning 'normal' contact-inhibited cells into cells that grow in 3-D and produce tumours when injected into animals. All the experiments done using such methods do have proper positive- and negative controls.

People who want to say that viruses don't exist have an impossible job to prove it. You can't prove they DON'T exist, you can only fail to detect them yourself.

What you can challenge is whether certain medical conditions are attributable to the actions of specific viruses.

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What these experiments do prove is that the commonplace method for”isolating” a virus do no such thing.

The negative controls, never separately reported, produce the same results as the claimed effects of adding a clinical sample purported to contain the phantom “virus” in question.

This utterly destroys the foundational claim to have identified a pathogen in the clinical sample.

All these other tests that you assert are effects of “viruses” all begin with a preparation derived from similar clinical sample. Since the claim that these contain a particular virus hinges on a fraudulent method, you can ignore all such results.

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You are not the only one with a thinking and logic problem, which specifically is this: If you claim something exists and that thing causes a specific disease unique to it, you must provide the evidence. The burden is not on anyone to disprove anything that has not been actually proven in the first place. It’s not even necessary to come up with any counter-evidence if the original claim cannot be proven and falsifiable.

Related, read “There is a dragon in my garage” by Sagan. May prove helpful. http://people.whitman.edu/~herbrawt/classes/110/Sagan.pdf

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Manipulation of data by excluding unwanted results in order to generate desired outcome that support claims, hypotheses. Joint criminal enterprise of virologists and their colleagues.

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The literal MO of Pharma since its inception.

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So in layman’s terms, when the end goal is a lie or obfuscation then the old adage holds true: garbage in, garbage out?

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If you can get your brain wrapped around this, there are ten viruses(alleged) for every cell in your body. Apparently they cause no issues. That seems to be a lot of genetic material floating around. That’s not counting bacteria. Then along comes this one virus that is evil but there are so few of them they have to amplify them millions of times so they can be detected. We supposedly have this immune system that is supposed to attack foreign invaders, but it’s content with those trillions of viruses with antibodies, which have never been proven to exist. I’m so done with virology.

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We also dont have an immune system ;)

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I like to learn more to this. Any suggestions of literature, article etc. Thank you very much in advance.

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Antibody talk from END OF COVID series with the now Late Dr Scoglio +Mike Stone and others. https://www.howtube.com/14721

Paper from Mike Stones investigations: https://mikestone.substack.com/p/merrill-chase-inadvertently-disproved "Merrill Chase Inadvertently Disproved Antibodies in 1942"

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You might like to think about why you think that viruses are so singularly unsubtle that they will telegraph their presence with billions of particles as their sole modus operandum.

If you embrace the concept of 'deep sleepers' in counterintelligence operations, you may like to wonder about 'viral latency' as a concept also: namely, lying low hiding inside cells, doing very little by retaining integrity of genetic material. All it takes is one viral protein which represses transcription of all viral genes and Bob's Your Uncle.

I'm in no way saying that SARS-CoV2 PCR tests have any value, I'm unvaccinated and I think the whole Covid19 vaccine fraud was a criminal enterprise.

I'm just telling you to be a little more open in your viewpoint on how viruses might or might not co-exist within mammalian hosts.

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Quote; "Lying low hiding inside cells"

Have you read Hillman? "Harold Hillman (1930-2016) was a British Scientist who claimed that almost everything that was observed of biological cells through an electron microscope was in fact a fiction produced by the preparation of the samples and the action of the electron beam itself." https://pro-decizii-informate.ro/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Prof-Harold-Hillman-Cell-biology-at-the-beginning-of-the-21st-century-is-in-dire-straits-2011.pdf

Mia Breeze's article; "Why Y0U should know about Hillman..." https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/why-you-should-know-about-harold-hillmans-work-on-the-living-cell/

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I’m ready to be open minded, however first, let’s see some scientific evidence for the existence of a virus. Any virus. Go right ahead and cite some!

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Thank you for all your hard work, Jamie.

Another kind of positive? control would be to take samples from a person while they're sick and then when they're well to see if there's any difference.

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Good work!!! The whole of viruses and contagion are the twin towers of Rockefeller lies, told and taught as "truth" in His schools, publishing, and media for the fear factor - for profit (petro-"medicines," jabs) and control (which is self evident, I would say, after the plannedemic).

Glad someOne is bringing down the house of cards!

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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No, 'the whole of viruses are lies' is a statement of unproven tendentiousness.

Proving that one particular virus did not cause a particular medical condition says zero, repeat zero, about whether viruses exist or not.

Saying that the only way to claim that viruses exist is to define Koch's Postulates and use that as your sole benchmark is also unwise in the extreme.

Just imagine you were back in the era before microscopes existed and you couldn't see bacteria in any way whatsoever. Would you say that they didn't exist????

Saying that CPE experiments are flawed does not say anything about whether a whole raft of viruses exist or not, because not all viruses infect the same kind of cells, different viruses may replicate in different cell types and suitable assays to detect different kinds of viruses may be very, very different in nature.

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Every single contagion study called a controlled human infection model in history has failed. Over 200k people experimented on over the course of 150 years and not a single experimental disease caused.

The most robust cell lines HEK cells show CPE to the same degree as “viral isolation” in uninoculated cultures…This has also been demonstrated in Vero cells and can easily be inferred to ALL “viruses”…

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According to virology, after the virus hijacks a cell it makes millions (or billions if you believe Professor William Gates) of copies of itself in millions of cells throughout the body. Do the math on that. What is several million multiplied by several million? We are supposed to believe that millions of virus particles are expelled when a person sneezes, but they are not detectable in a patient sample unless they are cultivated in a lab experiment? (Nevermind that as Jamie pointed out, contagion studies have failed) Isn't the host a giant cultivation medium that would produce far more viruses than a small dish? How many virus particles are detected in a lab experiment? If viruses multiplied in cells at the rate and levels they claim, they would quickly outnumber the cells in the growth medium by millions (billions?) to one. Under electron microscopy you would find virus particles in far greater numbers than they observe...literally billions of them.

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Dear One, no virus has ever been shown to exist. You seem to be claiming that pointing at dead cell debris proves a virus... Because that's what They use. (Guessing You did not read My article...).

There have been zero viruses proven in any way. The "genomes" are created in silico. Stitching bits of genetic material They found together and labeling it "the [fill in a name] virus genome." (Ever wonder how They can patent those, given You can't patent things from nature...?)

Maybe read My article....

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Same request as earlier. Fewer words please and more evidence for the existence of a virus would be much appreciated. I can’t find any.

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You are bringing no cards down unless you take your case to the court.

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I don't have a "case," nor do I consent to the whole legal/governmental system, dealing with it under duress ONLY... My point is that with actual science We are proving that the "deadly virus" is 100% BS, as is contagion.

And when enough of Us see the actual science, that house of cards WILL come down.

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There are various negative controls. That is why it is necessary to use detailed descriptions to exclude misinterpretations. An example of necessary documentation for "virus" construction experiment:

Control type: Negative Control

Definition: Control that does not contain the target organism and all other variables remain the same.

Expected result: No detection of target RNA. 

Description: target-negative human tissue culture sample treated and processed in the same way from start to finish as in the virus genome construction (assembly) experiment but without the presence of any virus and with sterile materials.

Purpose: To rule out the possibility of generating "virus" assembly from non-"viral" human tissue sample.

Procedures: Step-by-step. Standard laboratory procedure of the control.

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fascinating, big TQ

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Bless you Jamie for this project and your written remarks!

According to their journal articles, the Chinese did no control testing in Jan. 2020, when they were anxious to pull the SARS2 rabbit out of the hat. And the journal apparently did not notice. Nor did WHO - so much for their independent scientific role.

In this context, WHO went to great lengths to advocate the use of genetic sequencing to identify pathogens. Was that done to obscure the lack of control studies in the initial identification of a pathogen?

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Pressure was put on the Chinese scientists.


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Any chance of a synopsis? I can't view telegram, as I don't have a mobile (cell) phone.

Regards Andy (ex U.K. Column)

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Hi Andy Fox.

I think I recall the name ( ex ukc ) ,left ages ago when I figured out that they were not about searching for truth but rating and pacifying the audience.

“The Covid19-Investigation

Part 2 - The publication of the first genome

How quickly was the first genome constructed? Why did China withhold the genome? Who interfered and exerted pressure on the Chinese authors?



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I’m to be interviewed by UKC soon. I’m definitely going to be raising this issue (the fraud that is “virus isolation”) as well as the epidemiological evidence (no pandemic) and the design of the “vaccines” (intentionally harmful).

We’ll see how I get on.

I have no faith in any organization. The perpetrators do not have to tolerate threats & does not. Therefore, anything purporting to be a threat really isn’t. That can be accomplished by censorship or sabotage from within.

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Thanks Mike.

There vested interest mixed with ignorance and indoctrination, few want or / and can not even think any different.

Worth trying to get in touch with the outspoken Senato Malcom Roberts in Queensland.

“ Australian Senator Malcom Robert’s the pandemic was planned over decades”

We know and we knew it was all BS and that we have been had.

1 min


There were some post recently that he is willing to listen to the no virus debate.

If you is willing to take up the debate in public it may open the door and people in alternative media may take it up.

This was recently in Oz media but they still seem to believe in viruses.

“What scared me is that public gave up liberties so easily.”

“Sky News host Chris Kenny has branded the COVID-19 pandemic the “biggest overreaction” in the history of humankind.

Mr Kenny said he wants the way the Australian government handled the COVID-19 pandemic “investigated properly”.

“Because I’m terrified these clowns will do this to us again," he said.”

6 min


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Thankyou for that extra link Coripop, you always did "come up with the goods"😉😉

I kept the "no virus" flag flying for some time after you left, but it became too much...... it wasn't Mike "I've got a problem with terrain theory" Robbinson or Debi "HIV causes AIDS" Evans or even "the patently obviously N0T ex-intelligence" Alex Thomson, it was all the shills in the forum.

To everyone reading this; PAY ATTENTI0N T0 C0RIP0P!! She is very well informed, she spent a lot of time in the UKC forum schooling some of us in the fraud of "germ hypothesis" & "virology".

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Tx.That was the start.

Patrick H.mentioned a while back on 21st century wire that ukc policy is not to mention the existence of a virus question.

Debi and a few have actually put out som false and potentially harmful medical information.

I have since gained far deeper and fascinating understandings in the real biology. But we still have the virology hurdle to overcome first.

The problem is much deeper than I thought.

It is an existential crisis where hardly anyone can think beyond the brainwashing we all got. All the concepts in western medicine are 100% .

As a large chunk of the economy is based on false and fraudulent science., if the medical industrial complex is not gradually unwinded the economy will collapse which can lead to chaos and social unrest.

Lanka and Next Level have been working on long term solutions , Cowan is working on the New Biology and Jamie is doing some great work putting forward some ideas to make it viable for the scientists to show some intellectual honesty towards a truthful system that benefits all.

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Just a comment about those virus pushers.....

With so many people (especially in the 'alternative media') reluctant to engage in the 'no virus' debate, it make the idea of 'no virus' seem more significant than it is.

Obviously it is hugely significant (it's the issue of our time!) ..... but what I mean is there is no discernible difference between the two universes (the universe 'with' viruses and the universe 'without').

Both universes require buckets of Midazolam, Remdesivir, ventilators and probably giant wooden mallets as well, to create any noticeable excess deaths during an otherwise normal flu season. So what does 'existing' even mean when it comes to these so called 'deadly particles'?

If viruses are indeed 'real' then all we can say about them is that they have all the characteristics of not existing, and not causing any excess mortality - except through deception and murder by humans.

So the 'virus' camp can't ever have a 'gotcha' moment, even if they were able to somehow 'prove' viruses exist with the world's biggest supercomputer.

What I mean is that any claim of 'existence' for viruses cannot possibly have any tangible meaning or relevance to our lives. Viruses can only ever 'exist' in the digital/ imaginary realm as demonstrated by their spectacularly unimpressive (non) effect on the natural world in 2020 (or any other year).

Both existence and non existence point to the SAME universe. A universe with empty hospitals in 2020 and all manner of shenanigans and pantomime acting to try and create the impression of a 'health crisis' on the TV.


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I could sense Patrick's frustration after Gerrish looked at the camera & stated; "our audience isn't ready for "no virus"......", that statement was the very essence of "gatekeeping". However, there was a time, long, long ago when the Column engaged in journalism;


I'd be interested to read your latest understandings of biology, the only thing I've read (but not fully understood) is Bechamp's "Blood & it's 3rd anotomical element" & a little (very little!) about quoram sensing.

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This is line with what this guy found.


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All of this information was revealed nearly 3 years ago. You won't find a better exposé of virology than " A Farewell to Virology" by Dr Mark Bailey. The cell culture skulduggery, the fake microscopy, dying cells misrepresented as viruses. The detail is very specific. "Virus Mania" and "The final pandemic" have historical relevance for those interested.

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Mark Bailey has never carried out an experiment to back up any of his claims. These experiments are commissioned and conducted by us to show this is the case.

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Mark did not make that claim, and nobody but you asserts that. Any experiments referred to in his work were carried out by independents. If you take the time to follow the references in "The Final Pandemic" and "A Farewell to Virology" you will see the veracity of established science as opposed to hearsay, "he says", "she says" "it could be" "there is a possibility that..."

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Oct 26
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Exactly, all of Mark Bailey's references are borne out, it is simply a matter of being genuine enough to follow up by consulting them. Hearsay and assumption are simply hearsay and assumption.

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Nov 3
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It makes them lazy....

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Nov 4
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I would be totally willing to look the other way when it comes to the output of their science... unfortunately for them their disgraceful actions over the last few months mean that I will no longer temper what I think of them... and yes Mark is wrong about quite a few things in his books... and especially about continuing to push harmful pharmaceuticals like Vit d and Statins.

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