Thank you, your work is the reason why I will continue to support the control studies. I don’t see anyone else doing them. As you know, and I have shared publicly, my family’s lives were rocked & basically terrorized by the lies of geneticists, DNA, viruses and vaccines in the early 2000’s. Although we cannot change the past, I now understand what they did. It doesn’t depress me either, it empowers me to keep fighting for others to know this information. In my opinion, anyone who is trashing you definitely has something to hide.
2025 is going to be BIG... massive project on the horizon that does not include the bad actors of before... You live and learn with these people and have to admit that I was wrong about them.. I got told on numerous occasions they would do this... but did I listen ? lol...
GMO is a huge scam to give them the ability to patent a sequence of nature, after the supreme court gave them this ability as long as it was modified and not a natural form. Obviously this is easily faked with chemicals like you mention.
So the stupidest scam that exposes the gmo seeds...
They supposedly create sterile seeds and you need to buy the GMO seeds every season. But then, how is this sterile GMO shit spreading to other fields?
They sue the offending fields as using GMO seeds without paying for them... Ok?
-the seeds are really sterile and somehow blew over to the other field. They're still innocent cause the seeds were already paid for.
-the so called sterile GMO crop is not really sterile
Either way, I'm surprised lawyers didn't pick up that both cases negate the claim that is used by biotech scammer corporations to take over fields.
Oh and the recent genetic editing sham...
Ok so they made these mosquitos that result in offspring that end up sterile.
Let's consider two cases of how this "worked" in it's release in various areas like Florida.
-the mosquitoes really have sterile offspring. So how exactly do they spread when they don't pass on their "genes"? Their sterile offspring will not have offspring... Dead end.
-it's bullshit and whatever chemical fiddling they did actually doesn't work, except in the lab where the mosquitoes are in un natural conditions
Pseudoscience just like quantum theory and relativity.
Both of those get credit for inventions that actually didn't use their theories to happen. Gps and transistors did not need qt to be invented.
Playlist on the stupid methods and results of qt, relativity etc
If light speed is actually constant, no matter the frame of reference, it just logically follows that 'relativity' is true, and it's pretty easy to picture it
Maybe you are falling for the trap of thinking that time actually dilates? It doesn't really, and I believe that is a misconception of relativity
There's a couple of things that relativity "predicts" that actually ends up being wrong because of the time dilation... It's been a while but here's a video for beginners that points out the issues with the clock paradox.
Yes, I meant constant in a “vacuum” or maybe more precisely, light has a max velocity.
That’s all that’s required for “relativity” to follow.
There are no clock paradoxes with “relativity”. I believe the mainstream would say they are paradoxes but paradoxes are just a way of saying “our model is wrong”
My point being that mainstream understanding would say those paradoxes exist. And I would say no, relativity is simple and there are no paradoxes.
Relativity is just understanding we will see things distorted if they are going really fast or if they are very large/long, because the speed of light in a vacuum, which is what we use to see a thing that is really far away, is constant.
It’s so simple: If a space train is going 0.5c from left to right (from your perspective), and it is getting closer to you, you will see it “elongated”. You will see a train that looks longer than it actually is. This doesn’t mean the train was actually “elongated”. It’s just the way we would perceive it.
This just happens because of the way we create images in our minds. We take all the light that reaches our eyes at the same time, but not all of the light had to have bounced from the object at the same/similar moment. In our example, since the object is traveling left to right, and is getting closer to us at a high speed, the light we see from the right end is “newer”, and the light coming from the left end (the far end) is “older”. That’s just how it would have to be were the light speed constant in a vacuum. This has to be true because the distance from the far end to your eye is longer than the distance from the right end to your eye. And if you think about it, the “older” light coming from the left end has to come from a moment where the train was farther away than what the right end was when its light bounced off it to get to your eye. This means the train *appears* longer than it actually is
The opposite will happen if the train is not getting close to you, but going away from you. In that case the train would appear “squished”
Again, this doesn’t mean the train gets “elongated” or “squished”. This is what the mainstream gets wrong.
If you are traveling inside our train doing 0.5c, you will not see things strange or distorted. There’s no sense in which time gets dilated for you. There are no physical repercussions for it. You are just traveling inside a train that is going really fast and light behaves normally to you, because again, that’s what it would mean for light speed to be constant in a vacuum regardless of framework.
The mainstream says nonsense like “your clock will go slower if you go faster”. This is nonsense, and it is easy to understand why: your clocks won’t go slower, remember, light speed is constant. Your clocks run normally to you if you are going fast. What relativity means is that if *someone else that’s stationary relative to you* looked at your clock and you were going fast, *they* would see your clock go slower (but this only happens if the you are moving *away* from them. If you are moving *towards* them, your clock would appear to go faster actually), but your clock is not actually going slower, that is just the way it is perceived from far away
Why do you believe that light has a max velocity constant across all inertial frames of reference? (or maybe you don't believe this?) Michelson went to his grave swearing his experiment proved that this was not the case (i.e. the opposite of what is taught in classrooms) - and Dayton Miller's experiments were stronger evidence still.
If that is a lie, then clearly everything else about relativity is also a lie. And then we can dispense with all the nonsense which follows on from relativity - nuclear forces, 20+ fundamental particles, wormholes, parallel universes, dark matter, time travel and all the other stuff that no-one has ever observed and that they have to make up in order to maintain that relativity is correct.
Maybe that article is wrong. I don't take anything as gospel, but when I read it, it made sense to me that the experiment won't actually tell you if there's an ether wind or not. We can discuss it, I'm all for ciriticizing that article as well.
And yea, I half agree that everything else about relativity would be a lie. But you don't need light to have a constant max velocity to see the effects of "relativity" that I described earlier. You just need light to have a constant speed when bouncing of an object that is moving very fast. Light may have no maximum velocity, but if the light that bounces off an object that is moving very fast is going at the same velocity, you will see it distorted. It's just a geometry thing. Things that are farther away take longer to get to you than things that are closer to you. That's all I was explaining in my previous comment. Which yes, is obvious, but if you apply it to optics or how we see things, it means we will see things distorted.
But yeah, a lot of the things people say about relativity is obvious nonsense. Like "our clocks tick slower if we go faster". Pure bs misunderstanding of a simple phenomenon of image perception.
Following on from this - what if there is an aether? And what if the earth is not hurtling through space but stationary and the aether is therefore essentially stationary (or rather moving very slowly) relative to the earth (possibly with some type of tidal motion)?
This I think would account for all known observations without throwing up all sorts of consequences for which we can find no evidence.
Of course there is an issue here which is that astonomical observations are more simply explained by the heliocentric / earth-in-motion model. Still - at this point - where does the balance of simplicity lie?
This is soooo interesting! I'd never heard of the gmo BS being BS... lol THANK YOU. And... I didn't know about the skeeters, but why did my BS Detector smirk and say, "yeah, just fart, and you'll attract those skeeters... LOLOL
Thank you, outstanding article! I plan to dedicate more time in 2025 to debunking the dual scam of virology and DNA "science" and look forward to further collaboration. Happy New Year!
I just want to voice my disagreement based on my personal experience. I believe some of these Ancestry companies do work to a some degree, even though all of the dna/genetics thing they are supposedly based on is complete nonsense.
The reason I think they work to some degree is because I have experienced first-hand one of these ancestry companies being spot on in many things that I don't think can be explained by "They looked you up on databases". Maybe I'm wrong, but please be open-minded.
Something very important to note is that these companies do not ask you about any information for each individual sample you hand in. I repeat, they DO NOT ask you for what sample belongs to whom (at least not when I sent ours in). They only give you a number, which you use to match it to your account online. This means that you can view your results before you input into their system the names of the person who supplied the sample and what relationship they have to you. You can just leave that info blank and they'll tell you what their relationship is to you before you even tell them who is the person that supplied the specific sample. This will be important for later on.
Another important thing to note is that one account can have multiple samples. So I can send in as many different samples as I want. They will give me their results, and it is up to me to manage them and label them as I want. So, I could for example, send in the samples of all of my close and extended family if I wanted, and it is up to me to match the samples to the people they belong to, but the ancestry company is blind to all of it.
Now, let me explain my case.
So first my wife and I sent our samples to this company. We sent them through at the same time. They weren't marked with our personal info. They are just identified by numbers. There is no way to know which is which. I bought them with my info and it was sent to my address in Canada. I'm from South America with a heavy Spanish background. My wife is Canadian with Icelandic, French, and English background. The company got those right. It shows that I was mostly Spanish and identified me as being from a community in South America. The same with my wife. She was identified as mostly English, with some French, Icelandic and Nordic.
"But see, they can just look you up on the records, where you were born, who you married, where your family came from, etc. etc."
Ok. I can believe that. I think that's possible. I can buy that.
But we're not done yet.
How did they know my wife's sample was my wife's and mine was mine? They just had numbers as identifiers.
"Lucky guess? If they get it wrong you contact them and they flip it over?"
Maybe. I can see that. Sure. I can buy that.
But there's more.
After this 'successful' experience (still a complete normie back then) I bought some for my parents in South America because I thought it'd be fun to see their backgrounds.
So I personally bought two more kits that got to my home in Canada. Then, I took those kits across the Caribbean Sea to hand to my parents, who dutifully spat on the samples.
Then, after having taken the samples to South America, I went back to Canada with them (they are supposedly stable for a number of days, can't remember how many, so my parents spat on the tubes the day before we left), and as soon as we got back home we put them in the mail.
When the results came back, I was happy to see that both sample had been identified as MY parents. I had not identified anyone yet, and the system was telling me both of the things were my parents. Not my sisters, not my uncles, not close cousins. The thing correctly said it was my parents. It actually didn't know which was my mother and which was my father, which I found odd (maybe I'm making this up, but I believe this is what happened, because I remember thinking it was odd it didn't know that. Remember, this was 4+ years ago, so my memory about it is distant. But I think the system is 'able to say if the sample belongs to a man or woman' now, if I'm not mistaken).
So, how did the system know that it was my parents in those samples?
"Maybe it knew you were going back to South America to visit them, and made a good guess again and assumed you were going to have your parents use them."
Well, maybe. But then, why assume it was my parents, not my sisters, or close friends and cousins? Or even better, why not assume it was for my wife's parents because the kits were bought in Canada with my Canadian info and most likely with my Canadian wife's credit card? Also, the kits were bought well before we went back to South America, like 3/4 months prior, so it wasn't as if the travel was imminent. I may not have bought the plane tickets yet.
Remember, (at last back then) these kits were not labeled with names and I didn't input anything on them. They were just identified with a number that I later link to my account after I send the samples back in.
"These databases give these people more data than you can imagine. They are able to tell someway and it might be really advance surveilling we have no idea about."
Ok. Again, maybe. I can kind of buy that. I think it's a stretch, but maybe. I don't know for sure. Maybe their surveillance techniques are too advance for my small brain. Sure.
But wait, there's more. To be continued on the next comment.
So, actually, before I bought the kits for my parents, and fairly soon after I got my personal results back, I got a message from one of my 'matches'. These 'matches' are the people that the system thinks you are related to. If you go into the 'matches' section of their webiste, the system will show a list of samples that it thinks are related to you and what it thinks their relationship to you is: 1st cousin 1x removed, 2nd cousin, 2nd cousin 1x removed, 3rd cousin, etc.
So one of my 'matches' messaged me. It was one of my 'close matches'. The system thought it was something along the lines of grandchild or 1st cousin or half-uncle or grandfather. I was surprised but yet intrigued because I had no idea who this person was and the system thought it was closely related to me.
So we say hi to each other, and start trying to figure out how we are related. He tells me his names and his family's names, I tell him mine and my family's names. We don't see any connection anywhere. I tell him about my life, how I was born in this city in this country (I don't want to dox myself here...). He tells me he was born and raised in THIS OTHER COUNTRY, a separate country form the one my entire family is, and tells me he lives in the US now. We share pleasantries and leave it at that.
A couple of days later he sends me another message asking me if I had a father or grandfather called XXXXX. I told him, yes, actually, that is my grandfather. And he continues on to tell me something surprising, he tells me that he believes he is my half-uncle, and that my grandfather had fathered him when he had gone to work in his country back in the 1960s. He tells me he had talked to one of his uncles about the exchange we had had on the ancestry company's platform, and he mentioned my names, and that after hearing my name, my match's uncle recalled a person that had that exact same name (I share my name with my father and grandfather) being friends with him and his sister (my match's mother) back in the day, and around the time he was born.
Now, at this point, I'm completely surprised. I have this guy, who was born and raised in an entirely different country than my own and my entire family, including my grandfather, telling me my grandfather went to work in his country for a brief period and fooled around with his mother while he was there (my grandfather was married at the time; my father is older than my 'match').
Back then, I completely believed this was foolproof (I was a complete normie), but still I wanted to verify this information for myself, to see if things checked out. I wasn't going to throw this bombshell at my family without making sure it adds up. So, I decided to talk to the eldest in my father's family, my aunt.
So, I go to my aunt, and without giving her any background, I ask her if she recalled if my grandfather had gone to this other country to work. She gets back to me and tells me that yes, in fact, my grandfather had gone to this OTHER COUNTRY for a year and half or something back in the day; she was a kid back then. I had already asked what year my 'match' had been born to see if I could verify the info, so I asked my aunt what year my grandfather had gone to this other country for work. And sure enough, she gets back to me with the precise year prior to the year my 'match' was born.
It turns out that my 'match' knew the person he grew up thinking was his father wasn't actually his biological father, and the reason for going into the ancestry company's database was to see if he could find his lost family.
Since then, we have kept in touch. And to be honest, everything adds up. My grandfather did actually go to that country at the required dates for my 'match' to have been born the year he was born. When I look at his pics, I do see a resemblance between him and my dad and myself.
So, finally, all of this is to say that, no matter what database magic you want to throw at me, I think it would be fair to say that it is an incredible stretch to try to paint this as something that Google or documents can figure out.
There are literally no documents connecting my family with this guy. My grandfather was completely disconnected from this man's life. This all happened in SEPARATE COUNTRIES. In seprate THIRD-WORLD countries. And these countries are not known for keeping great records of anything.
I just don't see how this connection could have been made. I believe it is virtually impossible unless there is something to the 'analysis' coming from these ancestry companies, at least from this one in particular. It me be the tiniest of somethings going on, but it is enough for this situation to have arisen.
Anyway, I just want to add this because I believe you are right about most things in this article, but my personal experience will just lead me to believe there is something there.
I don't think it has to do with nucleotides or DNA, or anything like that. I think you are 100% right about that, but I do think this company specifically is getting something from a sample that is able to be correlated with other samples accurately enough.
Thanks Charles for sharing that incredibly detailed response. Fascinating story and glad you could locate more members of your family.
When you purchase one of these kits they force you to use a credit card... your credit card is tied to your social security number which in turn has EVERY detail of EVERY member of your family in any UN country.
The fact that it got your parents the wrong way around shows its inaccuracies.
The story of your uncle is a little harder to explain especially without more detail from him.
I will give my thoughts and see what you make of it: You both signed up all of your details which include all of the above details to the website... the website is SPECIFICALLY geared up for locating family members. Now it is just a guess but I am fairly confident in this guess in the way you described it happening that your Uncle will have put the nationality and as much information about your Grandfather into the database on HIS side.
When the database finds similarities in "story" it will just make suggestions... He put in that your grandfather was such and such a nationality was however old.. Yours matched up and the rest was carried out by you speaking to each other and confirming what happened...
When people are motivated to find each other this can happen on Facebook which isn't even geared up to do that...
I will concede that I could be convinced that "Genetic Sequencing" may be able to tell maybe vauge race... maybe there is slight difference in whatever it is it is reading that if you had two samples side by side you could differentiate apart.. but further than that... I just don't beleive it...
"When you purchase one of these kits they force you to use a credit card... your credit card is tied to your social security number which in turn has EVERY detail of EVERY member of your family in any UN country."
Sure. The only thing, is that I didn't buy it with my credit card. I bought it with my wife's. But I do input the information on my account. So that would work.
"The fact that it got your parents the wrong way around shows its inaccuracies."
It didn't get them the wrong way around. It just showed 'parent' or 'father or mother'. My point was that it didn't know if it was my mother or my father specifically. It showed the same for both. Which I thought was strange at the time. Chromosome X/Y and all...
"I will give my thoughts and see what you make of it: You both signed up all of your details which include all of the above details to the website... the website is SPECIFICALLY geared up for locating family members. Now it is just a guess but I am fairly confident in this guess in the way you described it happening that your Uncle will have put the nationality and as much information about your Grandfather into the database on HIS side."
I mean, maybe. I just.. that's not the way the website works as I have been using for the past 5+ years. There's nowhere to put in "I'm looking for my lost family that I believe is this nationality". It just shows you a match if there's a match. And also, it got my parents right without me telling it, and a whole bunch other things.
Also, I believe my half-uncle had no idea where to look. He did not know my grandfather's nationality or name. His mother apparently denied/hid the info from him. He only found out his father wasn't his real father from him (my half-uncle's non-biological father, who thought my half-uncle should know)
I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I don't see how the system is not working to some degree. Literally no records. My half-uncle knew nothing of my grandfather. For all he knew, his real father was born in his own country, so why would the system pick me?
And again, that thing is blinded. It doesn't know who the samples are from. Which makes for great experimentation. Perhaps you can do that your next project, and see if you can get it to trip and give out nonsense with you and your family? That'd be fun. Buy a bunch of kits from your personal credit card, and put in a bunch of random people, maybe it'll try to guess that the samples were actually your family's?
Anyway. Great talking to ya Jamie. Keep up the good work, and Up the Chels!
One of the main problems with genetic testing is that it is assumed that 90-98% of human genome is junk- no functional, because it doesn’t code for proteins. So, about 2% of human genome is only sequenced. There is more problems beyond the scope of this post…
The main issue is the evolutionary assumptions that slow down or even divert the progress of science. It is coming it its end… gradually
This is up there with Stefano Scoglio calling BS on graphene. The kabbalists love working their hocus pocus mind virus magic with invisible "entities". The opportunites for more money laundering are (almost) endless. The bastards.
So this is indeed the final nail in the coffin of the scumbag Kary Mullis. The fraud that put an innocent man in jail and even worse, who helped to shut down the world.
Just my suspicion. As he was a NWO darling so they wouldn't kill him, the timing is very suspicious, and it would have been inconvenient for him to be around. Good time to go underground, hang out with the Challenger Crew maybe.
Yeah exactly...MULLIS probably couldn't do ANYTHING on his own. Remember, Mullis FAILED to "prove" "HIS" concept of the "PCR" on his own. How did the establishment fix this "problem"? My understanding of the history of the genesis of the "PCR" is that they sent in several, real HUGE players/coworkers of Mullis who actually did ALL the "heavy lifting" in order to get the PCR off the ground and running.....
These events have been documented and WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED by very ORTHODOX writers. So it's not just my speculation! And what that means is, THEY are really the assholes who doctored that whole process of the so-called "PCR". THEY are the ones who set up the "PCR" as the FRAUD that it still is to this day...
I enjoy the X-Files decade or two after it ended anyway I was watching it last year. I think it was the second or third season Dana Scully was talking about the PCR test and all of its wonders
You wanna watch the last season 2018 if you haven’t, it’s like The Simpsons pre programming or whatever they call that about a virus, that self replicating same thing we experienced with the bio weapon
I agree, obvious ancestry results are just big data mining. OTOH I noticed with that it took them quite a while to find a relationship between me and a child of my sister, which put up a huge red flag to me. So I guess the data mining might need be done during off peak hours to save a buck 😂
Jamie Happy New Year ! It would seem the same testing methodology is used for Carbon 14 testing as well. The test site requires that the requestor tell them when they think the object being tested was in existence (time period), then they tune their machine to give those results. makes the fraud so obvious, when you see all these methods codified together the pattern is unremarkable, it's all bullocks for profit.
Wow! I have been skeptical of Carbon 14 dating for years, but don't really have the scientific background to pursue it. Thanks for providing a starting point for inquiry.
I haven’t read all of your DNA hoax articles. Just scanned some of them.
I’m trying to figure out where you are headed with this therefore I have few questions. Hope you don’t mind?
How would you determine whether identical twins are actually identical? What would be the characteristics of the claim that identical twins are actually identical? After all monozygotic twins come from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm. So, it would be natural to assume that certain diseases or disorders considered to be genetic should appear in both of the twins at more or less the same time, right?
Scientifically speaking using the scientific method and predictions, if one twin has a faulty “gene” that leads to a disease, it would be natural to assume that the other twin has the same gene and therefore would develop the same genetic disease…
Do you follow my way of reasoning?
I have more questions I just would like to make sure you understand what I am asking…
BTW: You know the difference between chromosomes vs DNA vs genes, right?
Well.. where I am going is that there is no DNA it doesn't exist.
You wouldn't determine that because it is circular reasoning... only validated by itself.
I think you make a good point Monozygotic twins should BOTH have the same diseases..... yet I studies a family where dwarfism was prevalent and in one monozygotic twins.... one was a dwarf and the other not.... so....
Give some of them a proper read and see what you think.... maybe chat some more... Cheers J
Even if DNA doesn’t exist per se, as you seem to believe, you wouldn’t necessarily deny that specific, detailed information is passed on to the next generation, right?
I think that a big part of the problem is not only with your doubts, but also with the mainstream genetics that they place too much emphasis on DNA, genes etc. when it comes to genetics or inheritance. There is not even a shadow of a doubt that inheritable information, which is real, is not passed on through DNA alone - I don’t care if you believe in DNA or not. There is just no way to explain all the information the human body contains purely through DNA. I’m not even going to mention such issues as consciousness…
The mainstream biology is driven by the dogma of evolutionary theory. This dogma has to be explained based on other dogma that random, natural processes have lead to the evolution of men. If something doesn’t fit this dogma, like the lack of necessary information for the development of human embryo, as it is now, it is rejected or ignored. Yes, lies are propagated until another theory possibly better comes along.
It’s funny you said “patterns”. You will like the video.
Just keep in mind that once you learn this, there is no going back… You get this? You will either love me or hate me for introducing you to this … whatever you would like to call it…
I have spent my last 20 plus years working on the inheritance of many disorders, which are claimed to be genetic or inheritable. Identical twins are my favourite patients but not only them. People with rare “genetic’ defects are also very interesting because based on their genetic makeup you can make predictions with almost if not 100% accuracy. Would you accept this kind of information based on the scientific method with 100% accuracy or no?
Of course.. a claim of 100% accuracy of predictions of genetic defects is a claim of perfect just depends on what those predictions are and whether they are routed in Benchmarks that are objectively real or validated against themselves... either way I am interested.
This is one of the conditions clearly not only hereditary but also with an easy way to identify it not only by the symptoms but more so by the outcomes both negative and positive.
The males with this genetic, hereditary condition( deficiency of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme type I) are raised as girls until puberty. When testosterone levels rise during puberty they develop to fully functional males but here is a kicker; they never ever develop two known disorders clearly defined as genetic.
If one examines identical twins with the same genetic deficiency, he can make predictions with 100% accuracy.
Can you guess what those conditions are? I can assure you with 100% accuracy you don’t have that genetics deficiency;-)
I commented in another thread that I had a degree of scepticism as to whether the v words exist; and "genetic sequencing"
I received a very long reply, all part of a continuing debate
"Thank you for your response. I appreciate your willingness to engage in this discussion. However, I believe there is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the difference between in silico modeling and laboratory-based gene sequencing.
Allow me to clarify.
1. In Silico Sequencing vs. Laboratory Gene Sequencing
The in silico computer model you referred to is not the same as the gene sequencing performed independently by hundreds of laboratories worldwide. The in silico sequence you mentioned relates specifically to the initial genomic data provided to Pfizer, which they used to develop their mRNA vaccine. Pfizer did indeed admit to slightly altering this computer model for their development process.
In contrast, when independent labs sequence viruses like SARS-CoV-2, they use rigorous methodologies, such as:
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): A high-throughput method that sequences millions of DNA or RNA fragments in parallel.
Sanger Sequencing: A traditional and highly reliable sequencing method.
Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing: Used for sequencing all genetic material in a sample, confirming the presence and structure of a virus.
These methods produce directly observed genetic data from physical viral RNA/DNA, not theoretical computer models.
This distinction is critical to understanding how scientists confirmed SARS-CoV-2’s existence and mutations.
2. Evidence Supporting the Existence of Viruses
To address the claim that viruses do not exist, here are the key ways we have proven their existence:
Electron Microscopy: Viruses have been visualized under electron microscopes, allowing us to observe their structure directly.
Isolation and Cultivation: While isolating viruses isn’t always necessary, it has been done. Cell culture methods allow replication and study of viral behavior.
Genetic Sequencing: Viral RNA/DNA can be extracted, sequenced, and matched to known or novel viruses.
Measurable Host Effects: Viruses cause reproducible diseases in hosts, supported by Koch’s postulates (when properly understood).
Experimental Transmission: Controlled studies demonstrate how viruses spread and infect hosts, further validating their existence.
Molecular Markers: Detection of viral proteins and antibody responses proves their interaction with the immune system.
Epidemiological Patterns: Outbreaks follow consistent and predictable viral behavior, reinforcing their role in disease.
3. Refuting the Terrain Hypothesis
Dr. Samantha Bailey's hypothesis that "frequencies emitted by sick individuals trigger a detox response in others" is fundamentally flawed for several reasons: If such frequencies caused detoxification, symptoms would vary widely due to differences in individual toxins.
Instead, diseases like chickenpox result in consistent symptoms worldwide, which is only explainable through a viral mechanism. This claim also lacks empirical support and ignores decades of research in virology, immunology, and molecular biology.
4. Discrediting the Virus Distracts from the Real Issue
The argument that "the virus does not exist" is a disservice to those fighting for justice: It undermines credibility, especially in court cases, where presenting unscientific claims only strengthens the opposition. I have personally worked with top scientists and lawyers on these issues. Judges often dismiss cases due to technicalities, but when evidence is considered, it overwhelmingly exposes the bioengineering and harm caused by the mRNA vaccine.
We must focus on what can be proven: The virus exists and was engineered. The mRNA vaccines are a deliberate bioweapon designed to cause harm.
5. Coordinated Psychological Warfare
I agree that the ruling establishment executed a psychological operation, manipulating public perception with media campaigns, rewards (free ice cream, gift cards), and punitive measures (job loss, travel restrictions). This strategy was meticulously planned to suppress dissent and enforce compliance.
In Summary: The distinction between in silico models and laboratory sequencing is critical. Laboratory sequencing, performed globally, has confirmed SARS-CoV-2's existence. Claims that viruses do not exist only distract from actionable evidence and weaken our case in exposing the real crime: the creation and deployment of a bioengineered weapon disguised as a vaccine. Let's stay focused on what can be scientifically and legally proven."
Brilliantly laid out and I think everyOne should read and ponder.
One thing You said caught My eye - a tangent to Your theme. You said, "They claimed in the 50s we’d all be in flying cars by now..." and I know why We don't have them. The tech that would give Us that has been pulled into black projects because it also offers free energy. And free energy threatens Their power tool - money in any form.
(My definition of money: anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).)
Without the need for money They have no way to buy the things and, most importantly, the People to Their agendas. So free energy is avidly suppressed.
The Marshall Project article is really interesting. The fact that the chief medical examiner's office in NYC has refused to make its internal validation studies on "low copy number" DNA testing public is a dead giveaway that it is (or was in 2015, when the article was written) peddling bullshit. "Lab officials say they only use the technology in ways that are scientifically valid and reliable," according to the article. If that were true then the lab should have been *eager* to show everyone why that's the case. Instead they refused to show their work. Real science includes transparency and reproducibility, and real scientists know that. Anyone who hides his methods and data should be assumed to be lying, and his work should be assumed to be both invalid and unreliable.
I believe many of these faked results are simply In silico (computer generated modeling). The pictorial images are intentionally bizarre, and meant to entertain (or frighten) the plebs into multicolored fantasy. Poisons on the other hand, can be measured no problem...
Thank you, your work is the reason why I will continue to support the control studies. I don’t see anyone else doing them. As you know, and I have shared publicly, my family’s lives were rocked & basically terrorized by the lies of geneticists, DNA, viruses and vaccines in the early 2000’s. Although we cannot change the past, I now understand what they did. It doesn’t depress me either, it empowers me to keep fighting for others to know this information. In my opinion, anyone who is trashing you definitely has something to hide.
Happy New Year Jamie, 2025 is looking bright.
2025 is going to be BIG... massive project on the horizon that does not include the bad actors of before... You live and learn with these people and have to admit that I was wrong about them.. I got told on numerous occasions they would do this... but did I listen ? lol...
Happy New Year to you and your family Pam... J x
I believe so, no need for anyone to be stuck in the Stone Age.
GMO is a huge scam to give them the ability to patent a sequence of nature, after the supreme court gave them this ability as long as it was modified and not a natural form. Obviously this is easily faked with chemicals like you mention.
So the stupidest scam that exposes the gmo seeds...
They supposedly create sterile seeds and you need to buy the GMO seeds every season. But then, how is this sterile GMO shit spreading to other fields?
They sue the offending fields as using GMO seeds without paying for them... Ok?
-the seeds are really sterile and somehow blew over to the other field. They're still innocent cause the seeds were already paid for.
-the so called sterile GMO crop is not really sterile
Either way, I'm surprised lawyers didn't pick up that both cases negate the claim that is used by biotech scammer corporations to take over fields.
Oh and the recent genetic editing sham...
Ok so they made these mosquitos that result in offspring that end up sterile.
Let's consider two cases of how this "worked" in it's release in various areas like Florida.
-the mosquitoes really have sterile offspring. So how exactly do they spread when they don't pass on their "genes"? Their sterile offspring will not have offspring... Dead end.
-it's bullshit and whatever chemical fiddling they did actually doesn't work, except in the lab where the mosquitoes are in un natural conditions
Pseudoscience just like quantum theory and relativity.
Both of those get credit for inventions that actually didn't use their theories to happen. Gps and transistors did not need qt to be invented.
Playlist on the stupid methods and results of qt, relativity etc
I'd just bicker about relativity.
If light speed is actually constant, no matter the frame of reference, it just logically follows that 'relativity' is true, and it's pretty easy to picture it
Maybe you are falling for the trap of thinking that time actually dilates? It doesn't really, and I believe that is a misconception of relativity
Light speed changes in different mediums.
The constant they came up with is light in a vacuum.
Eyeglass lenses for example "bend"light because the speed changes when entering and exiting the lens.
"When light passes from one medium to another, such as from air to glass, its speed changes, causing it to bend."
There's a couple of things that relativity "predicts" that actually ends up being wrong because of the time dilation... It's been a while but here's a video for beginners that points out the issues with the clock paradox.
Yes, I meant constant in a “vacuum” or maybe more precisely, light has a max velocity.
That’s all that’s required for “relativity” to follow.
There are no clock paradoxes with “relativity”. I believe the mainstream would say they are paradoxes but paradoxes are just a way of saying “our model is wrong”
My point being that mainstream understanding would say those paradoxes exist. And I would say no, relativity is simple and there are no paradoxes.
Relativity is just understanding we will see things distorted if they are going really fast or if they are very large/long, because the speed of light in a vacuum, which is what we use to see a thing that is really far away, is constant.
It’s so simple: If a space train is going 0.5c from left to right (from your perspective), and it is getting closer to you, you will see it “elongated”. You will see a train that looks longer than it actually is. This doesn’t mean the train was actually “elongated”. It’s just the way we would perceive it.
This just happens because of the way we create images in our minds. We take all the light that reaches our eyes at the same time, but not all of the light had to have bounced from the object at the same/similar moment. In our example, since the object is traveling left to right, and is getting closer to us at a high speed, the light we see from the right end is “newer”, and the light coming from the left end (the far end) is “older”. That’s just how it would have to be were the light speed constant in a vacuum. This has to be true because the distance from the far end to your eye is longer than the distance from the right end to your eye. And if you think about it, the “older” light coming from the left end has to come from a moment where the train was farther away than what the right end was when its light bounced off it to get to your eye. This means the train *appears* longer than it actually is
The opposite will happen if the train is not getting close to you, but going away from you. In that case the train would appear “squished”
Again, this doesn’t mean the train gets “elongated” or “squished”. This is what the mainstream gets wrong.
If you are traveling inside our train doing 0.5c, you will not see things strange or distorted. There’s no sense in which time gets dilated for you. There are no physical repercussions for it. You are just traveling inside a train that is going really fast and light behaves normally to you, because again, that’s what it would mean for light speed to be constant in a vacuum regardless of framework.
The mainstream says nonsense like “your clock will go slower if you go faster”. This is nonsense, and it is easy to understand why: your clocks won’t go slower, remember, light speed is constant. Your clocks run normally to you if you are going fast. What relativity means is that if *someone else that’s stationary relative to you* looked at your clock and you were going fast, *they* would see your clock go slower (but this only happens if the you are moving *away* from them. If you are moving *towards* them, your clock would appear to go faster actually), but your clock is not actually going slower, that is just the way it is perceived from far away
Why do you believe that light has a max velocity constant across all inertial frames of reference? (or maybe you don't believe this?) Michelson went to his grave swearing his experiment proved that this was not the case (i.e. the opposite of what is taught in classrooms) - and Dayton Miller's experiments were stronger evidence still.
If that is a lie, then clearly everything else about relativity is also a lie. And then we can dispense with all the nonsense which follows on from relativity - nuclear forces, 20+ fundamental particles, wormholes, parallel universes, dark matter, time travel and all the other stuff that no-one has ever observed and that they have to make up in order to maintain that relativity is correct.
I agree with you. I don't really know the answer. That's why I use the word assume. Light may not have a max velocity.
I believe the Michelson experiment is incorrect because of the arguments made here:
Maybe that article is wrong. I don't take anything as gospel, but when I read it, it made sense to me that the experiment won't actually tell you if there's an ether wind or not. We can discuss it, I'm all for ciriticizing that article as well.
And yea, I half agree that everything else about relativity would be a lie. But you don't need light to have a constant max velocity to see the effects of "relativity" that I described earlier. You just need light to have a constant speed when bouncing of an object that is moving very fast. Light may have no maximum velocity, but if the light that bounces off an object that is moving very fast is going at the same velocity, you will see it distorted. It's just a geometry thing. Things that are farther away take longer to get to you than things that are closer to you. That's all I was explaining in my previous comment. Which yes, is obvious, but if you apply it to optics or how we see things, it means we will see things distorted.
But yeah, a lot of the things people say about relativity is obvious nonsense. Like "our clocks tick slower if we go faster". Pure bs misunderstanding of a simple phenomenon of image perception.
Following on from this - what if there is an aether? And what if the earth is not hurtling through space but stationary and the aether is therefore essentially stationary (or rather moving very slowly) relative to the earth (possibly with some type of tidal motion)?
This I think would account for all known observations without throwing up all sorts of consequences for which we can find no evidence.
Of course there is an issue here which is that astonomical observations are more simply explained by the heliocentric / earth-in-motion model. Still - at this point - where does the balance of simplicity lie?
This is soooo interesting! I'd never heard of the gmo BS being BS... lol THANK YOU. And... I didn't know about the skeeters, but why did my BS Detector smirk and say, "yeah, just fart, and you'll attract those skeeters... LOLOL
Sometimes I donut NEED the science at all! ^_^
Good Job!!!!
Thank you, outstanding article! I plan to dedicate more time in 2025 to debunking the dual scam of virology and DNA "science" and look forward to further collaboration. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Sasha!
I agree with most of this Jamie.
I just want to voice my disagreement based on my personal experience. I believe some of these Ancestry companies do work to a some degree, even though all of the dna/genetics thing they are supposedly based on is complete nonsense.
The reason I think they work to some degree is because I have experienced first-hand one of these ancestry companies being spot on in many things that I don't think can be explained by "They looked you up on databases". Maybe I'm wrong, but please be open-minded.
Something very important to note is that these companies do not ask you about any information for each individual sample you hand in. I repeat, they DO NOT ask you for what sample belongs to whom (at least not when I sent ours in). They only give you a number, which you use to match it to your account online. This means that you can view your results before you input into their system the names of the person who supplied the sample and what relationship they have to you. You can just leave that info blank and they'll tell you what their relationship is to you before you even tell them who is the person that supplied the specific sample. This will be important for later on.
Another important thing to note is that one account can have multiple samples. So I can send in as many different samples as I want. They will give me their results, and it is up to me to manage them and label them as I want. So, I could for example, send in the samples of all of my close and extended family if I wanted, and it is up to me to match the samples to the people they belong to, but the ancestry company is blind to all of it.
Now, let me explain my case.
So first my wife and I sent our samples to this company. We sent them through at the same time. They weren't marked with our personal info. They are just identified by numbers. There is no way to know which is which. I bought them with my info and it was sent to my address in Canada. I'm from South America with a heavy Spanish background. My wife is Canadian with Icelandic, French, and English background. The company got those right. It shows that I was mostly Spanish and identified me as being from a community in South America. The same with my wife. She was identified as mostly English, with some French, Icelandic and Nordic.
"But see, they can just look you up on the records, where you were born, who you married, where your family came from, etc. etc."
Ok. I can believe that. I think that's possible. I can buy that.
But we're not done yet.
How did they know my wife's sample was my wife's and mine was mine? They just had numbers as identifiers.
"Lucky guess? If they get it wrong you contact them and they flip it over?"
Maybe. I can see that. Sure. I can buy that.
But there's more.
After this 'successful' experience (still a complete normie back then) I bought some for my parents in South America because I thought it'd be fun to see their backgrounds.
So I personally bought two more kits that got to my home in Canada. Then, I took those kits across the Caribbean Sea to hand to my parents, who dutifully spat on the samples.
Then, after having taken the samples to South America, I went back to Canada with them (they are supposedly stable for a number of days, can't remember how many, so my parents spat on the tubes the day before we left), and as soon as we got back home we put them in the mail.
When the results came back, I was happy to see that both sample had been identified as MY parents. I had not identified anyone yet, and the system was telling me both of the things were my parents. Not my sisters, not my uncles, not close cousins. The thing correctly said it was my parents. It actually didn't know which was my mother and which was my father, which I found odd (maybe I'm making this up, but I believe this is what happened, because I remember thinking it was odd it didn't know that. Remember, this was 4+ years ago, so my memory about it is distant. But I think the system is 'able to say if the sample belongs to a man or woman' now, if I'm not mistaken).
So, how did the system know that it was my parents in those samples?
"Maybe it knew you were going back to South America to visit them, and made a good guess again and assumed you were going to have your parents use them."
Well, maybe. But then, why assume it was my parents, not my sisters, or close friends and cousins? Or even better, why not assume it was for my wife's parents because the kits were bought in Canada with my Canadian info and most likely with my Canadian wife's credit card? Also, the kits were bought well before we went back to South America, like 3/4 months prior, so it wasn't as if the travel was imminent. I may not have bought the plane tickets yet.
Remember, (at last back then) these kits were not labeled with names and I didn't input anything on them. They were just identified with a number that I later link to my account after I send the samples back in.
"These databases give these people more data than you can imagine. They are able to tell someway and it might be really advance surveilling we have no idea about."
Ok. Again, maybe. I can kind of buy that. I think it's a stretch, but maybe. I don't know for sure. Maybe their surveillance techniques are too advance for my small brain. Sure.
But wait, there's more. To be continued on the next comment.
So, actually, before I bought the kits for my parents, and fairly soon after I got my personal results back, I got a message from one of my 'matches'. These 'matches' are the people that the system thinks you are related to. If you go into the 'matches' section of their webiste, the system will show a list of samples that it thinks are related to you and what it thinks their relationship to you is: 1st cousin 1x removed, 2nd cousin, 2nd cousin 1x removed, 3rd cousin, etc.
So one of my 'matches' messaged me. It was one of my 'close matches'. The system thought it was something along the lines of grandchild or 1st cousin or half-uncle or grandfather. I was surprised but yet intrigued because I had no idea who this person was and the system thought it was closely related to me.
So we say hi to each other, and start trying to figure out how we are related. He tells me his names and his family's names, I tell him mine and my family's names. We don't see any connection anywhere. I tell him about my life, how I was born in this city in this country (I don't want to dox myself here...). He tells me he was born and raised in THIS OTHER COUNTRY, a separate country form the one my entire family is, and tells me he lives in the US now. We share pleasantries and leave it at that.
A couple of days later he sends me another message asking me if I had a father or grandfather called XXXXX. I told him, yes, actually, that is my grandfather. And he continues on to tell me something surprising, he tells me that he believes he is my half-uncle, and that my grandfather had fathered him when he had gone to work in his country back in the 1960s. He tells me he had talked to one of his uncles about the exchange we had had on the ancestry company's platform, and he mentioned my names, and that after hearing my name, my match's uncle recalled a person that had that exact same name (I share my name with my father and grandfather) being friends with him and his sister (my match's mother) back in the day, and around the time he was born.
Now, at this point, I'm completely surprised. I have this guy, who was born and raised in an entirely different country than my own and my entire family, including my grandfather, telling me my grandfather went to work in his country for a brief period and fooled around with his mother while he was there (my grandfather was married at the time; my father is older than my 'match').
Back then, I completely believed this was foolproof (I was a complete normie), but still I wanted to verify this information for myself, to see if things checked out. I wasn't going to throw this bombshell at my family without making sure it adds up. So, I decided to talk to the eldest in my father's family, my aunt.
So, I go to my aunt, and without giving her any background, I ask her if she recalled if my grandfather had gone to this other country to work. She gets back to me and tells me that yes, in fact, my grandfather had gone to this OTHER COUNTRY for a year and half or something back in the day; she was a kid back then. I had already asked what year my 'match' had been born to see if I could verify the info, so I asked my aunt what year my grandfather had gone to this other country for work. And sure enough, she gets back to me with the precise year prior to the year my 'match' was born.
It turns out that my 'match' knew the person he grew up thinking was his father wasn't actually his biological father, and the reason for going into the ancestry company's database was to see if he could find his lost family.
Since then, we have kept in touch. And to be honest, everything adds up. My grandfather did actually go to that country at the required dates for my 'match' to have been born the year he was born. When I look at his pics, I do see a resemblance between him and my dad and myself.
So, finally, all of this is to say that, no matter what database magic you want to throw at me, I think it would be fair to say that it is an incredible stretch to try to paint this as something that Google or documents can figure out.
There are literally no documents connecting my family with this guy. My grandfather was completely disconnected from this man's life. This all happened in SEPARATE COUNTRIES. In seprate THIRD-WORLD countries. And these countries are not known for keeping great records of anything.
I just don't see how this connection could have been made. I believe it is virtually impossible unless there is something to the 'analysis' coming from these ancestry companies, at least from this one in particular. It me be the tiniest of somethings going on, but it is enough for this situation to have arisen.
Anyway, I just want to add this because I believe you are right about most things in this article, but my personal experience will just lead me to believe there is something there.
I don't think it has to do with nucleotides or DNA, or anything like that. I think you are 100% right about that, but I do think this company specifically is getting something from a sample that is able to be correlated with other samples accurately enough.
Thanks Charles for sharing that incredibly detailed response. Fascinating story and glad you could locate more members of your family.
When you purchase one of these kits they force you to use a credit card... your credit card is tied to your social security number which in turn has EVERY detail of EVERY member of your family in any UN country.
The fact that it got your parents the wrong way around shows its inaccuracies.
The story of your uncle is a little harder to explain especially without more detail from him.
I will give my thoughts and see what you make of it: You both signed up all of your details which include all of the above details to the website... the website is SPECIFICALLY geared up for locating family members. Now it is just a guess but I am fairly confident in this guess in the way you described it happening that your Uncle will have put the nationality and as much information about your Grandfather into the database on HIS side.
When the database finds similarities in "story" it will just make suggestions... He put in that your grandfather was such and such a nationality was however old.. Yours matched up and the rest was carried out by you speaking to each other and confirming what happened...
When people are motivated to find each other this can happen on Facebook which isn't even geared up to do that...
I will concede that I could be convinced that "Genetic Sequencing" may be able to tell maybe vauge race... maybe there is slight difference in whatever it is it is reading that if you had two samples side by side you could differentiate apart.. but further than that... I just don't beleive it...
Happy new year! To you and ALL your famiy lol J
Happy New Year, dear Jamie!
"When you purchase one of these kits they force you to use a credit card... your credit card is tied to your social security number which in turn has EVERY detail of EVERY member of your family in any UN country."
Sure. The only thing, is that I didn't buy it with my credit card. I bought it with my wife's. But I do input the information on my account. So that would work.
"The fact that it got your parents the wrong way around shows its inaccuracies."
It didn't get them the wrong way around. It just showed 'parent' or 'father or mother'. My point was that it didn't know if it was my mother or my father specifically. It showed the same for both. Which I thought was strange at the time. Chromosome X/Y and all...
"I will give my thoughts and see what you make of it: You both signed up all of your details which include all of the above details to the website... the website is SPECIFICALLY geared up for locating family members. Now it is just a guess but I am fairly confident in this guess in the way you described it happening that your Uncle will have put the nationality and as much information about your Grandfather into the database on HIS side."
I mean, maybe. I just.. that's not the way the website works as I have been using for the past 5+ years. There's nowhere to put in "I'm looking for my lost family that I believe is this nationality". It just shows you a match if there's a match. And also, it got my parents right without me telling it, and a whole bunch other things.
Also, I believe my half-uncle had no idea where to look. He did not know my grandfather's nationality or name. His mother apparently denied/hid the info from him. He only found out his father wasn't his real father from him (my half-uncle's non-biological father, who thought my half-uncle should know)
I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I don't see how the system is not working to some degree. Literally no records. My half-uncle knew nothing of my grandfather. For all he knew, his real father was born in his own country, so why would the system pick me?
And again, that thing is blinded. It doesn't know who the samples are from. Which makes for great experimentation. Perhaps you can do that your next project, and see if you can get it to trip and give out nonsense with you and your family? That'd be fun. Buy a bunch of kits from your personal credit card, and put in a bunch of random people, maybe it'll try to guess that the samples were actually your family's?
Anyway. Great talking to ya Jamie. Keep up the good work, and Up the Chels!
One of the main problems with genetic testing is that it is assumed that 90-98% of human genome is junk- no functional, because it doesn’t code for proteins. So, about 2% of human genome is only sequenced. There is more problems beyond the scope of this post…
The main issue is the evolutionary assumptions that slow down or even divert the progress of science. It is coming it its end… gradually
This is up there with Stefano Scoglio calling BS on graphene. The kabbalists love working their hocus pocus mind virus magic with invisible "entities". The opportunites for more money laundering are (almost) endless. The bastards.
So this is indeed the final nail in the coffin of the scumbag Kary Mullis. The fraud that put an innocent man in jail and even worse, who helped to shut down the world.
Got a lot of experiment proof to do now.. obviously in theory this is all dead'er than well.... Mr.Mullis...
Could be the reason Kary faked his death?
Could be a hypothesis... do you reckon he did? Would be a bit tragic if that twat was still alive...
Just my suspicion. As he was a NWO darling so they wouldn't kill him, the timing is very suspicious, and it would have been inconvenient for him to be around. Good time to go underground, hang out with the Challenger Crew maybe.
It would probably be more accurate to say his death was faked, not that he did it on his own.
Yeah exactly...MULLIS probably couldn't do ANYTHING on his own. Remember, Mullis FAILED to "prove" "HIS" concept of the "PCR" on his own. How did the establishment fix this "problem"? My understanding of the history of the genesis of the "PCR" is that they sent in several, real HUGE players/coworkers of Mullis who actually did ALL the "heavy lifting" in order to get the PCR off the ground and running.....
These events have been documented and WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED by very ORTHODOX writers. So it's not just my speculation! And what that means is, THEY are really the assholes who doctored that whole process of the so-called "PCR". THEY are the ones who set up the "PCR" as the FRAUD that it still is to this day...
Yes you are correct, Phil I was just typing rapidly whatever I thought, apologies.
I’m pretty sure it was Fox Molder and Dana Scully that did the heavy lifting on the PCR test back in the mid 90s
I enjoy the X-Files decade or two after it ended anyway I was watching it last year. I think it was the second or third season Dana Scully was talking about the PCR test and all of its wonders
You wanna watch the last season 2018 if you haven’t, it’s like The Simpsons pre programming or whatever they call that about a virus, that self replicating same thing we experienced with the bio weapon
I agree, obvious ancestry results are just big data mining. OTOH I noticed with that it took them quite a while to find a relationship between me and a child of my sister, which put up a huge red flag to me. So I guess the data mining might need be done during off peak hours to save a buck 😂
Jamie Happy New Year ! It would seem the same testing methodology is used for Carbon 14 testing as well. The test site requires that the requestor tell them when they think the object being tested was in existence (time period), then they tune their machine to give those results. makes the fraud so obvious, when you see all these methods codified together the pattern is unremarkable, it's all bullocks for profit.
Happy New Year Jacques... Yes even cursory glances at these supposedly scientific practices reveals circular reasoned and validated tests..
Wow! I have been skeptical of Carbon 14 dating for years, but don't really have the scientific background to pursue it. Thanks for providing a starting point for inquiry.
I love the smell of fragrant disregard in the morning. :)
+100 likes. Priceless!
I haven’t read all of your DNA hoax articles. Just scanned some of them.
I’m trying to figure out where you are headed with this therefore I have few questions. Hope you don’t mind?
How would you determine whether identical twins are actually identical? What would be the characteristics of the claim that identical twins are actually identical? After all monozygotic twins come from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm. So, it would be natural to assume that certain diseases or disorders considered to be genetic should appear in both of the twins at more or less the same time, right?
Scientifically speaking using the scientific method and predictions, if one twin has a faulty “gene” that leads to a disease, it would be natural to assume that the other twin has the same gene and therefore would develop the same genetic disease…
Do you follow my way of reasoning?
I have more questions I just would like to make sure you understand what I am asking…
BTW: You know the difference between chromosomes vs DNA vs genes, right?
Well.. where I am going is that there is no DNA it doesn't exist.
You wouldn't determine that because it is circular reasoning... only validated by itself.
I think you make a good point Monozygotic twins should BOTH have the same diseases..... yet I studies a family where dwarfism was prevalent and in one monozygotic twins.... one was a dwarf and the other not.... so....
Give some of them a proper read and see what you think.... maybe chat some more... Cheers J
Even if DNA doesn’t exist per se, as you seem to believe, you wouldn’t necessarily deny that specific, detailed information is passed on to the next generation, right?
I think that a big part of the problem is not only with your doubts, but also with the mainstream genetics that they place too much emphasis on DNA, genes etc. when it comes to genetics or inheritance. There is not even a shadow of a doubt that inheritable information, which is real, is not passed on through DNA alone - I don’t care if you believe in DNA or not. There is just no way to explain all the information the human body contains purely through DNA. I’m not even going to mention such issues as consciousness…
The mainstream biology is driven by the dogma of evolutionary theory. This dogma has to be explained based on other dogma that random, natural processes have lead to the evolution of men. If something doesn’t fit this dogma, like the lack of necessary information for the development of human embryo, as it is now, it is rejected or ignored. Yes, lies are propagated until another theory possibly better comes along.
Well Exactly... the mainstream narrative already says that genetics is molded by your environment called "Epigenetics" ...
OF course.... Hereditary Traits exist.. just the same as Patterns of Illness exist...l they are just not Transmitted by tiny biological particles.
It’s funny you said “patterns”. You will like the video.
Just keep in mind that once you learn this, there is no going back… You get this? You will either love me or hate me for introducing you to this … whatever you would like to call it…
I have spent my last 20 plus years working on the inheritance of many disorders, which are claimed to be genetic or inheritable. Identical twins are my favourite patients but not only them. People with rare “genetic’ defects are also very interesting because based on their genetic makeup you can make predictions with almost if not 100% accuracy. Would you accept this kind of information based on the scientific method with 100% accuracy or no?
Of course.. a claim of 100% accuracy of predictions of genetic defects is a claim of perfect just depends on what those predictions are and whether they are routed in Benchmarks that are objectively real or validated against themselves... either way I am interested.
Sorry but it is a bit long and detailed
Cheers.. will try and find time to watch..
Sorry but I really tried to find the point it applied to you but I couldn’t. If I do, I will let you know. Most of the video is QA anyway
Just to stimulate your appetite, you can watch the video at 38 min mark where Jon is questioning the lack of developmental info in life systems.
Okay. I love your attitude.
I’m trying to think where to begin and which disorder to choose.
But, I’m going to make your watch a video done by one of my mentors.
This will give you an idea that wherever you believe DNA as an inheritable source of info is not enough.
Okay, let’s get to it.
Have you heard of Male pseudohermaphroditism?
This is one of the conditions clearly not only hereditary but also with an easy way to identify it not only by the symptoms but more so by the outcomes both negative and positive.
The males with this genetic, hereditary condition( deficiency of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme type I) are raised as girls until puberty. When testosterone levels rise during puberty they develop to fully functional males but here is a kicker; they never ever develop two known disorders clearly defined as genetic.
If one examines identical twins with the same genetic deficiency, he can make predictions with 100% accuracy.
Can you guess what those conditions are? I can assure you with 100% accuracy you don’t have that genetics deficiency;-)
I commented in another thread that I had a degree of scepticism as to whether the v words exist; and "genetic sequencing"
I received a very long reply, all part of a continuing debate
"Thank you for your response. I appreciate your willingness to engage in this discussion. However, I believe there is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the difference between in silico modeling and laboratory-based gene sequencing.
Allow me to clarify.
1. In Silico Sequencing vs. Laboratory Gene Sequencing
The in silico computer model you referred to is not the same as the gene sequencing performed independently by hundreds of laboratories worldwide. The in silico sequence you mentioned relates specifically to the initial genomic data provided to Pfizer, which they used to develop their mRNA vaccine. Pfizer did indeed admit to slightly altering this computer model for their development process.
In contrast, when independent labs sequence viruses like SARS-CoV-2, they use rigorous methodologies, such as:
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): A high-throughput method that sequences millions of DNA or RNA fragments in parallel.
Sanger Sequencing: A traditional and highly reliable sequencing method.
Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing: Used for sequencing all genetic material in a sample, confirming the presence and structure of a virus.
These methods produce directly observed genetic data from physical viral RNA/DNA, not theoretical computer models.
This distinction is critical to understanding how scientists confirmed SARS-CoV-2’s existence and mutations.
2. Evidence Supporting the Existence of Viruses
To address the claim that viruses do not exist, here are the key ways we have proven their existence:
Electron Microscopy: Viruses have been visualized under electron microscopes, allowing us to observe their structure directly.
Isolation and Cultivation: While isolating viruses isn’t always necessary, it has been done. Cell culture methods allow replication and study of viral behavior.
Genetic Sequencing: Viral RNA/DNA can be extracted, sequenced, and matched to known or novel viruses.
Measurable Host Effects: Viruses cause reproducible diseases in hosts, supported by Koch’s postulates (when properly understood).
Experimental Transmission: Controlled studies demonstrate how viruses spread and infect hosts, further validating their existence.
Molecular Markers: Detection of viral proteins and antibody responses proves their interaction with the immune system.
Epidemiological Patterns: Outbreaks follow consistent and predictable viral behavior, reinforcing their role in disease.
3. Refuting the Terrain Hypothesis
Dr. Samantha Bailey's hypothesis that "frequencies emitted by sick individuals trigger a detox response in others" is fundamentally flawed for several reasons: If such frequencies caused detoxification, symptoms would vary widely due to differences in individual toxins.
Instead, diseases like chickenpox result in consistent symptoms worldwide, which is only explainable through a viral mechanism. This claim also lacks empirical support and ignores decades of research in virology, immunology, and molecular biology.
4. Discrediting the Virus Distracts from the Real Issue
The argument that "the virus does not exist" is a disservice to those fighting for justice: It undermines credibility, especially in court cases, where presenting unscientific claims only strengthens the opposition. I have personally worked with top scientists and lawyers on these issues. Judges often dismiss cases due to technicalities, but when evidence is considered, it overwhelmingly exposes the bioengineering and harm caused by the mRNA vaccine.
We must focus on what can be proven: The virus exists and was engineered. The mRNA vaccines are a deliberate bioweapon designed to cause harm.
5. Coordinated Psychological Warfare
I agree that the ruling establishment executed a psychological operation, manipulating public perception with media campaigns, rewards (free ice cream, gift cards), and punitive measures (job loss, travel restrictions). This strategy was meticulously planned to suppress dissent and enforce compliance.
In the following video, Christine M, The main proponent of these ideas gets completely owned by an average scientist, I suggest watching this for further clarification
In Summary: The distinction between in silico models and laboratory sequencing is critical. Laboratory sequencing, performed globally, has confirmed SARS-CoV-2's existence. Claims that viruses do not exist only distract from actionable evidence and weaken our case in exposing the real crime: the creation and deployment of a bioengineered weapon disguised as a vaccine. Let's stay focused on what can be scientifically and legally proven."
Brilliantly laid out and I think everyOne should read and ponder.
One thing You said caught My eye - a tangent to Your theme. You said, "They claimed in the 50s we’d all be in flying cars by now..." and I know why We don't have them. The tech that would give Us that has been pulled into black projects because it also offers free energy. And free energy threatens Their power tool - money in any form.
(My definition of money: anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).)
Without the need for money They have no way to buy the things and, most importantly, the People to Their agendas. So free energy is avidly suppressed.
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):
The Marshall Project article is really interesting. The fact that the chief medical examiner's office in NYC has refused to make its internal validation studies on "low copy number" DNA testing public is a dead giveaway that it is (or was in 2015, when the article was written) peddling bullshit. "Lab officials say they only use the technology in ways that are scientifically valid and reliable," according to the article. If that were true then the lab should have been *eager* to show everyone why that's the case. Instead they refused to show their work. Real science includes transparency and reproducibility, and real scientists know that. Anyone who hides his methods and data should be assumed to be lying, and his work should be assumed to be both invalid and unreliable.
Well exactly... above the board and transparent science is not the modus operandi of establishment science.
*Flagrant disregard (minute, irrelevant correction to the second paragraph...)
FYI I'm going to leave it in.... I kinda like it.
Also "slight" should read "sleight" of hand : )
Didn't catch that at all. I find all mine by posting... then letting others point them out ~ it's the best way!
I like Fragrant better.
Darn, beat me to it ROFLMAO at "fragrant"!
Thank you. Happy New year
Cheers Bruce. Happy new year!
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
I believe many of these faked results are simply In silico (computer generated modeling). The pictorial images are intentionally bizarre, and meant to entertain (or frighten) the plebs into multicolored fantasy. Poisons on the other hand, can be measured no problem...
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Here, no bird flu ever found-the simple way