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This is Part 2 of the breakdown of the reagents of the PCR test. Today we are going to look at dNTPs which are essentially free nucleotides (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine) sprinkled into the PCR test for amplifying new strands of DNA, literally the individual “particles” that are the building blocks of life itself.
These individual chemicals in solution were supposedly isolated and characterized by German Biochemist, Albrecht Kossel in the late 19th Century. They constitute the exact code that is supposed to determine and predict every microbiological process in every living thing in existence. This code is meant to be able to be read by Genetic Sequencers, exact, letter by letter to be able to identify any living thing on planet Earth and also predict with near infallible accuracy the future of those living things and even tamper with this code to force those desired changes to happen.
Kossel’s background before his incredible Nobel Prize winning discovery was in studying Urea. Built off the back of Freidric Wohler, who really was the Father of the BioChemical Fraud when he claimed to be the first to synthesize an organic compound in a lab: Piss.
Albrecht took tissues and wastes from all sorts of places when he isolated the different Nuclotides, most coming from waste filtration organs such as the Liver, in the case of Guanine it literally comes from Bird Shit (Guano) and in the case of Uracil it was isolated from Urine (Piss), hence the name Uracil. He split them up (how or why is anyones guess) into two distinct types of bases the Purines: A and G and the Pyramidines: C, T and U.
So here are the Nobel prize winning methods that Kossel used to isolate, purify and chemically confirm his wonderous discovery of the building blocks and code for life as we know it:
So he took waste filtering organs and Bird Shit and “lysed” the juice with an age old method adored by Biochemists (Strangely enough being the IDENTICAL process to remove Enzymes) of mechanical agitation and then pouring HydroChloric acid over it, then precipitating the resultant juice.
This 19th Century Brainiac confirmed that, despite using identical methodology for extracting Enzymes, he had indeed extracted Nucleotides because he performed two different chemical tests on them: The Murexide test for the Purines and the Berg's test for the Pyrimadines.
So for the Purines (A and G) Kossel confirmed his findings by taking the Liver and Bird Shit juice and then running the Murexide test….. for Piss (Urea).
In an interesting turn of events, the test used for detecting Piss turned purple to give a positive indication. It was used in exactly the same method with exactly the same reagents as for piss but for some reason, unbeknownst to anyone, Kossel decided not to say that he had found Golden Piddle but he had instead found the Building Blocks of all life as we know it.
Berg’s Test
For the Pyrimadines (C, T and U) Kossel confirmed his findings by taking in the case of Uracil, literal Urine (PISS) and conducting the Berg’s test which involved mixing it with Nitic Acid and then Chloroform and if the mixture turned a Yellow ( FUCK ME LOL) colour it worked.
Now for the zinger…. You may be able to guess where this is going… that’s right folks! If you put Pizzle in with Nitric Acid and Chloroform it will indeed turn Yellow! But once again our Nobel Prize winning Brainiac didn’t declare that what he found was Piss, despite in the case of Uracil, literally testing Piss for it being Piss and it being positive for Piss. He instead said that it was the building blocks of life.
To note here is the tragic cognitive dissonance of Chat GPT that knows the game is up…. ‘Oh but it’s a totally different reason for turning yellow with Piss because… reasons”.
Well, what do you know, the foundations of the building blocks of life, the ATCG’s and Us are all just the remenants of a spent penny. Here is an AI interpretation of Nobel Prize Winning Mega- Mind Albrecht Kossel with a pint of his prize winning Nucleotides; warm, fresh and tangy.
OK, however hard it maybe to now overlook that instead of the fundamental codings for life we actually have Golden Kidney Waste, we must do our best to move forward as there are still hundreds of logical impossibilites to uncover. We must return back to the original subject of the article in dNTPS or the free nucleotides that are one reagent of the PCR.
In the below cartoon we see the Free Nucleotides that are the different coloured “Ts” floating down to join and make a strand of DNA. The different colours could denote the different type of Nitrogenous Base to the Nucleotide being A,C,Gor T (Piss,Piss,Piss or Piss).
Now they claim that these Nitrogenous Bases are “attracted” to each other according to a Base Pair rule of A matches with T and C matches with G only. This is supposedly because of the overal electrostatic “structure” on a molecular level where A/T has 2 hydrogen bonds and C/G has 3 Hydrogen bonds. Why C and G can’t also bind with A or T having exactly the same chemistry for two of the Hydrogen Bonding points is anyones guess?
In steps our beloved Enzyme, DNA Polymerase (French Pressed Bacterial Juice) that we looked at in the last article:
They claim that this fixed chemical in solution can PROOFREAD a DNA strand to make sure that the correct nitrogenous bases are matching up with each other. It happily trundles along a line (that doesn’t physically exist as it is in solution) adding the right nucleotide. Then OOPS!!, it adds the wrong Nitrogenous Base. This fixed chemical in solution RECOGNIZES this mistake and switches over to a function of REMOVING the Nucleotide, SNIP, acting like a completely different digestive enzyme, then it switched back, KERPLUNK, to find the right Nucleotide to begin on its merry way once again, all is good in the world of DNA synthesis.
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you are reading along and believe for one second that this is even physically possible you must be a breadstick short of a picnic or have a PhD, one or t’other.
It flies in the face of all logic, reason and damnright common sense to think that it is possible for a FIXED chemical to change roles and functions in some cognisant fashion. ABSURD!
But hold on a second, they claim that these sprinkles of tinkle are “attracted” to one another, yet they claim that they are all in solution free and then only join each other when forming a DNA strand, surely they would all just clump together before they got there, attracted to each other forming Base Pairs in solution?
Well what if I told you that they are NOT attracted to each other? What if I told you that the Nucleotides are ALL Negatively charged and REPEL each other? Well… they do and they are constantly negatively charged and contastantly repelling each other!!!!!!!!!!
Above are all of the invented reasons as to why the Free Nucleotides don’t bind to each other when free and do bind when in a stable DNA strand. Well… all apart from the claim that dNTPs do not have a “Free OH Group”…. which turns out is a lie. Bad Gentecists/Chat GPT.
The individual Nucleotides are perpetually repelling and only facilitated to join each other supposedly by the Third-Eye Enlightened and fully consious DNA Polymerase, it “overcomes” the repelling charges so that they can bind together, not chemically, but with vague hypothesized Hydrogen bonds. However in a massive blow to the narrative these Hydrogen Bonds turn out to be WEAKER than the magnetic repulsion between the bases !!!!!
OK so the pissy strands are NOT held together by hydrogen bonding but seem to be totally precidated on Magensium Ions in solution inside the cell. Don’t forget that the Magnesium Ions are an absolute necessity for the Enzyme as well, without them the Enzyme Cannot function. It seems that really, when it comes to the fundamental building blocks of life itself, that the strands of Yellow Gold really are playing second fiddle to the much more important substance of charged Ions, in this case Magnesium…. food for thought ; ).
It should also be noted that this Magnesium is most definitely in solution in the nucleus, so that the suppposed Double Helix pattern that you get in these perpetually repelling chemicals is ONLY from the concentration of charged medium it is in. So I asked Chat GPT to find me examples of this happening where you can have repelling particles that form shapes in oppositely charged medium. It came up with the example of Gold nanoparticles (naturally negatively charged and so do NOT join together. In increasing Ion solution (Salts of MG and NA) they CLUMP together and then in very specific concentrations still CLUMP together but in an orderly pattern or lattice.
Now this to me seems far more logical when talking about material that is meant to be repelling if it is put in a medium of opposite charge. You would think that it would act like it were “hydrophobic” so repelling to form a roughly concentric ball and then the more it were repelling the more it would create these ordered structures, Isostatically repelling (Yey I got to use a Geological reference for the first time in 2 decades!) .
Yet with DNA they want you to believe that it forms these pretty Helical swirls of delicate hydrogen bonds that are indeed not strong than the repelling force of the individual strands… i,e seems like a fairytale…. p.s it is a fairytale.
The basic prinicpal of Nucleotides (Amber Whazz) joinging together in long chains to form DNA/RNA is called Polymerisation. This is described as a Monomer or one small chemical repeats into a chain called a Polymer.
Examples of this claimed process in the real world are described in areas of plastics, rubbers and gels. In this case Chat GPT answered that the curdling of milk was an example of polymerisation.
All of the processes seemed to me just more like materials were coagulating together. Like a jelly (Jello in American). The powder dissolves in boiling water and when it re-sets it has coagulated together, more like just the phase that it is in determines the way that the physical structure sets in. Melt a Plastic, it flows and then rehardens in whatever shape the container that was holding it in is. Desbribing this as Polymerisation really is making a meal of it.
Interestingly I caught Chat GPT lying once again ( Would give Mike Stone a run for its money this one). It cited Milk Curdling as an example of polymerisation and then when I suggested it sounded more like coaggulation it then changed its mind and said it was coaggulation and not polymerisation. Whatever, all of these examples seem more like coaggulation and just melting stuff and reforming than any particular chemical process, a bit like the chemical formula for turning bread into toast.
But in this next manouvre we might be able to tell why they are so insistent on describing the mundane in chemistry terms. It is largely because they are seeding the narrative that DIFFERENT chemicals can join in long chains as they claim happen with DNA/RNA. The big mahoosive glaringly obvious problem with this is that this process occurs NOWHERE on planet Earth outside of the never before seen Nucleotide. Because don’t forget, a single nuleotide has NEVER been photographed with ANY microscope EVER. Yet they claim to have them in a vial to sprinkle into every PCR reaction.
So seen here there are NO examples outside of the never before seen example that they give of DNA Polymerisation where different chemicals form coded long chains. We are expected to just believe this is occuring and can be read and sequenced and tampered with and predictions made upon. Forgive me for my skepticism… but it is a steaming pile of horseshit.
If at it’s very inception that one could not discern between whether they had found the individual particles that code for life or the Lemon Crotch Leak that stems forth from the magic Urethra, well the the whole house of cards these foundations are built upon ain’t up to much either.
The fact that most of the nucleotides were supposedly isolated from waste filtering organs or literal waste and in the special case of Uracil came from…… Urine, it is no wonder that they all tested positive for being Alaskan Leg Warmer.
Uracil is a distinct nucleotide to RNA, considering that it was isolated from Urine and tested positive for being Urine, it is a pretty easy conclusion to come to that RNA is Urine. So what does that mean for our new fangled Covid Vaccine? Well, the Vaccines of old could defnitely, at the very least be described as being disgusting because they came from Cell Cultures containing all manner of Animal parts, Embryonic parts etc… But not our technologically advanced mRNA shots (Said with a Texan accent).
These (porcelain) SHOTS were instead of being made with culture components were made with Banana Bojangle. Maybe the Robert Malone types were right to be so dismissive of the New Age Woo Woo Pube Weaving grifters telling everybody to drink their own piss for their health. It is like these people are encouraging people to drink vaccines…At least they aren’t telling their avid cult following to inject their piss, not yet anyway (Phew!).
Now obviously there is a wealth of other shite in these vaccines other than Piss, many other accounts are giving very detailed accounts of all of the nasties in there, so I am not just saying it is raw Pee Pee…. but certainly for the mRNA PSY-OP part that has been so prevalent… it is just Piddle.
We then saw how these mystical particles again have a mind of their own and Repel each other when they are not needed to join a strand and when they are required to make a nice ordely queue they somehow forget that they are Negatively charged and perpetually trying to repel each other and just line up neatly. If you were to hypothesize trying to do this with magnets, imagine trying to push just 4 of the magnets together and join negative poles with bluetack and then stacking another pair onto… what do you think is going to happen?
Finally we showed how even these “Chains” of things are probably not even happening as well, there is no example of this happening anywhere in life; show me where different chemicals can just be continuously added and instead of mixing/reacting together to form a product or separating and precipitating they just add on next to each other in some molecuar train. Again flying in the face of observable reality, logic and physics in the way that they want you to believe it can occur.
phew; reached the end; speechless; is anything real? It would be like the US govt sending money to Sri Lanka to promote operas; or comic books; or fighting climate change on Mars ....... oh wait, seemingly that has been happening
Excellent, thanks. I have long suspected that all this stuff was yet more horse piss and now you have confirmed that. Could you please do a take down of Watson and Crick? Those two have bugged me for decades as I have long suspected these two of being more of the same but lacked the background to expose them. I feel very certain you are the chap to do it. My intellectual spider sense was always tingles when in the presence of this type of scientific piss as I start being unable to understand what is apparently being communicated, a sure sign. Before convid 19 I might have considered myself stupid or at least lacking in the necessary vocabulary to understand the language. Now, no way. If it makes no sense it is almost certainly piss. Am I injecting myself with it because the government say so? Are you kidding? Thanks again. This one goes in the archive.